When i install this plugin it works great but i wanted to do more testing with it so i have found that if a player already has the banned item they can still right/left click it essentially use the banned item but if they drop it, it will remove it from there inventory
you can reproduce this problem by using some sort of plugin that does /invsee take a look/modify someone inventory so you can put the banned item in there can the player without permission to use the banned item can still use it
When i install this plugin it works great but i wanted to do more testing with it so i have found that if a player already has the banned item they can still right/left click it essentially use the banned item but if they drop it, it will remove it from there inventory
you can reproduce this problem by using some sort of plugin that does /invsee take a look/modify someone inventory so you can put the banned item in there can the player without permission to use the banned item can still use it