trentfoley / NX595Interface

Exposes the NX-595e Alarm Module as rest web services
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Porting the interface in Python... #3

Open jc999 opened 6 years ago

jc999 commented 6 years ago

Hy, Thanks to your great reverse eng work, I almost finished a port in Python of the interface. However, I am facing connection issue to the NX. Sometimes, logon process with login.cgi works, sometimes, it doesn't, with same form data content of course, and the result is the content of login.htm. I just can't log on... Did you have the same issue with your c# client, and if yes, how did you manage to solve this ?

Thanks for your feedback, JC.

BeauGiles commented 6 years ago

Hi @jc999 - did you have any luck with this one? Will you be able to share your Python port? :)

jc999 commented 6 years ago

hi, at the end, I didn't create a real rest interface for the nx, ( I should do it...), but only a simple pooling loop that fetches all statuses ( sensors + main alarm ) every second from a raspberry... it's still under dev & testing, ( and quick and very dirty coded way ;-) ), but sure, I will share it as soon as it will be done.

I didn't manage to have a 100% accepted connections on the NX. The only thing I have found, is that the NX doesn't seem to accept more that X ( 3?) connections attempts per minutes, more or less, and only allows 1 open http connection at a time. So I had to test on the first call of the pooling loop if the NX's webserver accepts my session calls or not... and retry via a cron entry every minutes until the call passes. This is clearly not the best approach, but it work...

dcelorrio commented 5 years ago

Interested in your python code. Where can i get ir?

yeahman45 commented 5 years ago

how is your python port?

dastrix80 commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?