trentjbrendel / LBTO

Large Binocular Telescope Organization
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20201022 TMS Meeting Notes #8

Open trentjbrendel opened 3 years ago

trentjbrendel commented 3 years ago

Updates on the trip up the mountain Christian hasn't responded, looks like we'll be out of it for a while

Andrew suggests we need to put this into a document with action items and the necessary steps to install TMS on Sx side We need to tell Christian what we need to do and why Reasonably urgently, we need to install a binocular TMS for the LBCr + LBCb Need a schedule, white document, with our needs and puts action items into motion with

At the end of the day, Christian is going to make a management decision, but we can provide him with a reason to support our cause

If we can show some positive results on the Dx side, we may be able to have our action items put in place sooner

Andrew doesn't think we should make a resource request from Christian contingent upon our success on the Dx side

John suggests we should move to just ask Christian if we can just go ahead and install on Sx

Today, Ch. 11 alignment was reacquired, thanks to Leroy and John However, we have to use the max gain to get 20% return from Ch. 11

Last night's data had Ch. 17 acting up Andrew would like Ch. 17 to be looked at, as well

Heejoo mentioned that there is need for cleaning the fiber tips, especially for channels 11/17

To Andrew's mind, it is a fairly binodal situation; when there is poor return, the channels essentially just drop When the telescope moves, the beam footprint from the retro walks off the collimator, effectively demanding an increase in the NA of the fiber collimator

We are really measuring contrast on the fiber

All channels currently looking at LBC right now are using the large collimators

Etalon spent time adjusting the tuning of the fiber collimators to get the maximal signal measurement on the contrast Want big offsets (deliberately defocus the beam) the beam to spread out the energy on the retro

Andrew's updates on the solid Maksutov retro (like a Reed pupil relay + an Offner image relay) Utilizes 30% BS on the buried surface to bounce light back out after inducing SA on the way in and removing on the way out Beam retraces right on top of it's input Also behaves like an solid Offner relay; able to use this to test the optical system Able to get a null test using this system in the Offner configuration This system actually flips the beam about the center of the aperture

Yang on ch. dropping handling Working on it, would like to schedule a test in the later part of next week If not possible, early part of the following week (end of Oct., start of Nov.) Yang thinks he should have a test version relatively quickly

Andrew reminds us that last night's data has Ch. 17 dropping in and out throughout the night, and would like Yang to test his code with this data

Yang's understanding is that whenever a channel or multiple channels are dropped, a correction vector is to be applied Can't say that he has 100% certainty about how the correction vector is designed For some cases, we don't have to make any correction vector at all; could go back and make a reconstruction vector Based on the mathematical file, correction vector def. as: Whenever you have a dropped channel, compute pose changes with a vector using the correction to the dropped channel (from the last set of data) and subtract this from the pose change w/o the dropped channel included

Reconfigured matrix with last channel measurement (or reference vector, Yang's suggestion) applied to dropped channel Difference between 9 ch. pose with substituted correction vector and 8 ch. pose w/o dropped channel used as actual pose

Andrew suggests that there is a difference between using the reference vector for correction and the last measured channel vector, and that it would be preferrable to use the last measured channel vector for correction

Andrew requests that, if we get test time, we also drive in astigmatism to work on fitting to mirror shape John confirms that astigmatism was driven in today +/- 5000 astig, and also spherical

Predicted change in Z, and a total change in length Can see predicted change in diameter

The measurement of the terms is in the RMS WF So 5000 astig corresponds to 5 microns

Plan is for Heejoo to schedule a test for about a week from now

Yang's next question Suppose we never get a full 9 ch. measurement for an entire night Do we still need to apply a correction? Most of the time we have an 8 ch. and then we'll drop to 7 or 6 ch. If able to get full 9 ch. vector, there are some combinations of possibilities

Use whatever the last working meas. was What about if we are working with 7 channels and then we get a different set of 7 channels Consider either skipping the measurement or configuring for a different set of the 7 channel

Good practice to work through all of the contingencies Yang hoping for the software to work for all possible cases

Yang and Andrew to discuss this together to develop a procedural algorithm for testing the channel dropping handling

Trent will be presenting TMS at Industrial Affiliates Poster Session next week

Andrew would like to attend the test

Handover of telescopes is about 3:40 PM, about 2 hours before sunset Heejoo suggests 1:00 PM ish for doing a test, and he prefers Tuesday (could be Friday)

Andrew happy to report that we are developing algorithms for channel dropping, and we want good results Want to be able to say that it's working, at least a good prototype For SPIE papers, good to talk about the various failures and problems

Yang will make an effort to give a summary of what the algorithm is doing for Andrew's paper