trentrichardson / Clientside

Sublime Text plugin to minify, format, and lint CSS and Javascript
26 stars 4 forks source link

Sublime Text 3 #3

Open Dimox opened 11 years ago

Dimox commented 11 years ago

Please update this plugin to work in Sublime Text 3

beniwtv commented 10 years ago

+1, that would be great!

trentrichardson commented 10 years ago

I will try to update the plugin soon, I just haven't had a chance to look at the new ST3 plugin api.

yckart commented 10 years ago


moraleslevi commented 10 years ago


namzo commented 10 years ago


nickkuijpers commented 9 years ago

Hi, Bug in Sublime 2, Calc(50% + 0px) becomes Calc(50%+0px) and it wont work if there is no spacing between. Perfect plugin! I love it!

cold-logic commented 8 years ago

I'm working on some fixes in my fork. So far I've managed to get the plugin loading without errors in ST3 and I fixed the minify-js and format-js features.

englishextra commented 6 years ago

@cold-logic In your readme here


Copy or clone the repository from into your packages folder ("Packages/Clientside")


Copy or clone the repository from into your packages folder ("Packages/Clientside")