trentrichardson / jQuery-Timepicker-Addon

Adds a timepicker to jQueryUI Datepicker
MIT License
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Timepicker not working with bootstrap modal. #839

Open InsaneSkull opened 8 years ago

InsaneSkull commented 8 years ago

When using with modal and both date and time mode is enabled timepicker doesn't opening. I am working with Mozila Firefox.

atiquereza commented 8 years ago

Dropdown not working with year, month and hour and min

joaogac commented 8 years ago

It's been more than 6 months and no workaround / bug fix has been done.

It seems this project is thrown away.... Sadly to say that.

trentrichardson commented 8 years ago


Sorry guys I don't use bootstrap modal. I try to review pull requests in a timely fashion but to be honest working a full time and at night I don't have a ton of time to explore every issue and provide a fix. I do rely on others to contribute when they can. I wish there were a group of reliable team members for this project as it would greatly improve it, but there isn't. If anyone is interested and could point me to some of their previous work I would be open to others joining this project. (I may write up an official invitation to this)

Have a look at the dev branch as there are several fixes there since the last release, however I don't believe this particular issue has been resolved. If you are able to pinpoint the issue and send a pull request I will be happy to review it.

mariashahid commented 8 years ago

For anyone still struggling with this issue. I came across similar problem with both jquery ui datepicker and trentrichardson timepicker. I found the following solution on stackoverflow to fix the problem and applies to both jquery ui datepicker and trentrichardson timepicker.

        var $confModal = $("#modal");
        var enforceModalFocusFn = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus;
        $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () { };
        $confModal.on('hidden', function () {
            $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = enforceModalFocusFn;
memojuass commented 7 years ago

After initializate your timepicker [ $('#timepicker1').timepicker(); ], add these lines, to adjust template into modal popUp $('#timepicker1').timepicker({ template: 'modal' });

alimranahmed commented 7 years ago

Thanks @mariashahid, it works for me.

AragornMx commented 3 years ago

After a few investigation i found a solition that works fine, you just have to add a CSS style in your page, add this

.ui-timepicker-container {z-index: 9999999 !important}