treosh / exthouse

Analyze the impact of a browser extension on web performance.
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Analyze extensions performance impact for Firefox #26

Open denar90 opened 5 years ago

denar90 commented 5 years ago

The purpose of the project improving speed on a web. All results we were gathering related only to Chromium mostly. We’d like to extend results and see extensions (Add-ons) influence for Firefox users.

Some part of work was already done. We are able to install add-ons using [Puppeteer( Thanks for the help to extend API for web-ext repo to @aslushnikov @rpl @Rob--W.

More info can be found and

Next step - use performance API which isn’t implemented yet in Firefox. Related bugtracking issues:

All experiments are stored separate branch -

denar90 commented 5 years ago

On today's Add-ons Show and Tell we discussed this topic. Folks are positive about that. Hope that Importance for the Long Tasks API for Firefox will be changed. Waiting for @digitarald opinion about that.

denar90 commented 4 years ago

Trying to figure out (#28) possible usage of js-self-profiling API in case it will be implemented sooner.

Bugzilla ticket