Closed b3nk3 closed 3 months ago
I've got the following workflow (showing relevant bits only)
When I log out assertionResults they are empty. The artifact also has an empty array in the .json file.
- name: Run Lighthouse on urls and validate with lighthouserc id: lighthouse_audit uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v12 with: configPath: './lighthouserc.js' uploadArtifacts: true temporaryPublicStorage: true - name: Format lighthouse score if: always() id: format_lighthouse_score uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const lighthouseCommentMaker = require('./.github/lighthouseCommentMaker.js'); console.log(${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.assertionResults}}) const lighthouseOutputs = { manifest: ${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.manifest }}, links: ${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.links }} }; const comment = lighthouseCommentMaker({ lighthouseOutputs }); core.setOutput("comment", comment); - name: Add Lighthouse stats as comment if: always() id: comment_to_pr uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2.0.0 with: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} header: lighthouse message: ${{ steps.format_lighthouse_score.outputs.comment }}
Worth noting, I am using the following assert matrix:
assert: { assertMatrix: [ { matchingUrlPattern: `${PREVIEW_URL}/sitemap/`, assertions: { 'categories:performance': ['error', { minScore: 0.5, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' }], 'categories:accessibility': ['error', { minScore: 0.9, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' }], 'categories:best-practices': ['error', { minScore: 0.9, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' }], 'categories:seo': ['error', { minScore: 0.9, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' }], }, }, ]}
TIL: assertionResults will be empty if you passed them.
I've got the following workflow (showing relevant bits only)
When I log out
they are empty. The artifact also has an empty array in the.json
file.Worth noting, I am using the following assert matrix: