treosh / lighthouse-ci-action

Audit URLs using Lighthouse and test performance with Lighthouse CI.
MIT License
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Custom headers? #94

Closed ZebraFlesh closed 5 months ago

ZebraFlesh commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to invoke lighthouse with custom headers? The lighthouse docs say you can do this via a CLI flag:, but I don't see a way to pass raw Lighthouse CLI flags. I have sensitive authorization headers stored in GitHub Secrets that I don't want to add to a file on a file system (or worse, source control).

rdok commented 2 years ago

Absolutely there is a way!

  1. Create a new file .github/workflows/lighthouserc.json with:

    "ci": {
    "collect": {
      "settings": {
        "extraHeaders": {
          "Lighthouse-Key": "{{LIGHTHOUSE_KEY}}"
  2. Add another job step before the treosh/lighthouse-ci-action step to transpile the value using your secret:

    - name: Prepare envs
    run: |
     sed -i "s/{{LIGHTHOUSE_KEY}}/${YOUR_SECRET}/g" .github/workflows/lighthouserc.json
  3. Finally set a path to this custom lighthouserc file

    uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v8
    configPath: .github/workflows/lighthouserc.json
ZebraFlesh commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the creative work around! Unfortunately this results in the secret landing on the disk as just a value. It could potentially find it's way into logs and other output. That's why I wanted to use the CLI flag functionality (so it would only exist in the virtual environment's memory and preferably as an environment variable; Actions would be better able to track that it's a secret value and obscure it from outputs).

Edit to add: If someone tells me, "just write your AWS access key and secret to a file during the build", that's a non-starter from a security perspective.

rdok commented 2 years ago

Makes sense :+1: