trethaller / hlwwise

Basic Wwise bindings for Hasklink
5 stars 1 forks source link

Outdated dependences and premium plugins #1

Open nspitko opened 1 year ago

nspitko commented 1 year ago

I'm working on compiling this currently, I've hit a few snags.

1) The project path links against the v140 libs; these don't ship with wwise anymore it seems (at least not without some setting I've not found yet). Min spec is v150, max is v170, probably safe to just update this?

2) It includes the SoundGrain plugin, but doesn't appear to reference it. (includes the header and lib) 3) Includes AkSoundSeedImpactFX.lib, but this plugin appears to have been superceeded by Impacter.

I'm also getting linker errors trying to work around these issues, but they may be due to me removing the impacter lib.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl AK::ResolveGeneratedSoundBanksPath(class AK::StringBuilder &,wchar_t const *,struct AkFileSystemFlags *,bool)" (?ResolveGeneratedSoundBanksPath@AK@@YAXAEAVStringBuilder@1@PEB_WPEAUAkFileSystemFlags@@_N@Z) hlwwise D:\work\hlwwise\hlwwise\hlwwise.obj 1

nspitko commented 1 year ago

Ok, it looks like the two missing symbols are down to some missing cpp files from the samples folder, AkFileLocationBase.cpp andAkgeneratedSoundbanksResolver.cpp. Adding these two to the SLN solve it.