trevor-laher / OnDemandMinecraft

An AWS hosted Minecraft server that will only run when players are active. Players can start the server through a simple UI accessed through free Heroku server hosting.
MIT License
517 stars 68 forks source link bad interpreter #9

Closed DylanDelobel closed 5 years ago

DylanDelobel commented 5 years ago

File transfered by filezilla from Windows

bash: ./ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

From StackOverflow

I've run sed -i -e 's/\r$//' and that worked

trevor-laher commented 5 years ago

It appears that this might occur when you open the file on a windows machine and some of the line encoding change. The command above does indeed fix this. Just be careful not to open the files on Windows before moving it to the linux instance!