trevorc / timebook

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Autocompletion for zsh #21

Open trevorc opened 13 years ago

trevorc commented 13 years ago

Original report by Wastl (Bitbucket: Wastl, GitHub: Wastl).

I've scripted a very basic alpha version for the zsh tab completion. (Note: I've named my timebook binary `tb'). Just install the attached file _tb to /usr/share/zsh/site-functions or sth like that and enjoy! ;-)


trevorc commented 13 years ago

Original comment by Anonymous.


Without thinking to look here first, I also scripted a zsh autocompletion for timebook. I think it covers all the possible options and commands, so someone might be interested in it. My binary is called `t'. I will attach my completion script, assuming I can figure out how.

trevorc commented 13 years ago

Original comment by Anonymous.

I can't see how to attach a file, so here it is inline:

#compdef t

_t_timesheet=( '*:timesheet:_t_complete_timesheet' )

#{{{ Main arguments
_t ()
  local curcontext="$curcontext" state lstate line

  _arguments -s \
    '-C[specify an alternative configuration file]:configuration file:_file' \
    '-b[specify an alternative timebook file]:timebook file:_file' \
    '*::t command:_t_command'

#{{{ Commands
(( $+functions[_t_command] )) || _t_command ()
  local -a _t_cmds
  #{{{ Commands
    {write,alter}':alter the description of the active period'
    {shell,backend}':open the backend''s interactive shell'
    {show,display}':display timesheet, by default the current one'
    {start,in}':start the timer for the current timesheet'
    {kill,delete}':delete a timesheet'
    {ls,list}':show the available timesheets'
    {info,now}':show the status of the current timesheet'
    {stop,out}:'stop the timer for the current timesheet'
    {active,running}':show all running timesheets'
    'switch:switch to a new timesheet'

  if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
    _describe -t commands 't command' _t_cmds || compadd "$@"
    local curcontext="$curcontext"

    case $cmd in
      show) cmd="display";;
      write) cmd="alter";;
      shell) cmd="backend";;
      start) cmd="in";;
      delete) cmd="kill";;
      ls) cmd="list";;
      info) cmd="now";;
      stop) cmd="out";;
      active) cmd="running";;

    if (( $#cmd )); then
      _call_function ret _t_$cmd || _message 'No more arguments'
      _message "unknown t command: $words[1]"

    return ret

#{{{ Timesheet completion

(( $+functions[_t_complete_timesheet] )) || _t_complete_timesheet ()
  local -a _timesheets
  local expl
  _timesheets=$(t ls | tail -n +2 | awk '{ sub(/^\*/, "", $1); print $1; }')
  _timesheets=( ${(f)_timesheets} )
  _describe 'timesheets' _timesheets $*


#{{{ Command completions

(( $+functions[_t_switch] )) || _t_switch ()
  _arguments $_t_timesheet

(( $+functions[_t_alter] )) || _t_alter ()
  _arguments '*:notes'

(( $+functions[_t_display] )) || _t_display ()
  _arguments $_t_timesheet

(( $+functions[_t_in] )) || _t_in ()
  _arguments \
    '--switch[switch timesheets]:timesheet:_t_complete_timesheet' \

(( $+functions[_t_display] )) || _t_display ()
  _arguments $_t_timesheet

(( $+functions[_t_kill] )) || _t_kill ()
  _arguments $_t_timesheet

(( $+functions[_t_display] )) || _t_display ()
  _arguments $_t_timesheet

(( $+functions[_t_now] )) || _t_now ()
  _arguments \
    '--simple[simple format]' \

(( $+functions[_t_out] )) || _t_out ()
  _arguments \
    '--verbose[verbose output]' \


_t "$@"