trevordevore / levure

Application development framework for LiveCode
MIT License
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Packager windows error: "error creating folder /Externals" #32

Closed spencerlearning closed 7 years ago

spencerlearning commented 7 years ago

I tried to build for Windows with the packager and it gives an error at the end of the build: "error creating folder /Externals". Oddly enough, when I look in the windows build folder there is an /Externals folder that was created and it even contains the externals I selected for inclusion. And I can run it successfully in Windows. So the error seems bogus but is disrupting the packager flow.

  1. Follow the wiki instructions to create a new project from master.

  2. Open standalone.livecode in a new instance of Livecode.

  3. In Standalone Application Settings accept defaults except uncheck Mac and Linux so we are only building for Windows.

  4. In message box, run levurePackageApplication "beta". The build fails to complete and gives the error: "can't rename file".

  5. After dismissing the error, the build appears to be done successfully. This happens whether or not any inclusions are selected in Standalone Settings.