trevordevore / levure

Application development framework for LiveCode
MIT License
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"Moving to Levure" section #97

Open macMikey opened 6 years ago

macMikey commented 6 years ago

Trevor suggested a path to start moving a project to Levure, that I think is a good idea as part of a Levure migration page in the wiki:

What I’ve done in the past when converting an app is move my stacks into
the appropriate Levure folders without worrying about scriptifying them. I
then move any app initialization code into the appropriate handlers in the
Levure `app.livecodescript` file.

Once the app is working again then I go back and scriptify stacks as
needed. Libraries that don’t use any internal custom properties are easy to
convert as are front and back scripts. You can then slowly go through each
folder in the `app/ui` folder and move the scripts into a `behavior` folder
that sits along each stack. No rush though.
macMikey commented 6 years ago

From email today:

I *think* this is the bare minimum someone would need to do if they wanted
to move their app to Levure:

1) Pull out library, frontscript, back scripts from app and put in proper
folders in Levure app.
2) Pull out any code that runs at app startup and place in the
`InitializeApplication` or `OpenApplication` handlers in the Levure
`app.livecodescript` script. Make sure and open the first stack the user
should see at the end of the `OpenApplication` handler.
3) Pull out any code that needs to run when the application quits and place
it in `PreShutdownApplication` in the Levure `app.livecodescript` script.
4) Pull out your UI stacks and place them in the proper folder structure
for Levure.
5) Configure the standalone.livecode stack for your app, making sure to
include any externals or extensions your app uses.