trevorhobenshield / amazon_photos

Amazon Photos API
MIT License
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The name of my cookies are different from the requested ones #4

Closed RedSquirrel87 closed 7 months ago

RedSquirrel87 commented 10 months ago

In the setup section you request to export for UBID_ACDCA and AT_ACBCA variables, but in my cookies I got "ubid-acbit" and "at-acbit" names. What should I do then? I have to export the original variables with my cookies values or change them to the my names? I mean, should I use:

export UBID_ACBIT="..."
export AT_ACBIT="..."

or what?

P.s.: I already tried in both way but it never works (I always get the "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'json'" error).

trevorhobenshield commented 7 months ago

Issue should now be fixed. See the readme for more details.


ap = AmazonPhotos(tld='it')