trevorld / ggpattern

ggplot geoms with pattern fills
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WIP: Replace grobs with those from {gridpattern} #42

Closed trevorld closed 3 years ago

trevorld commented 3 years ago
trevorld commented 3 years ago

NB. crimesm <- reshape2::melt(crimes, id = 1) is (more-or-less) equivalent to

crimesm <- stats::reshape(crimes, direction = "long", idvar = "state",
        varying = c("Murder", "Assault", "UrbanPop", "Rape"), = "value", timevar = "variable",
        times = c("Murder", "Assault", "UrbanPop", "Rape"))

but none of the examples we create crimesm for actually uses it so we can simply delete all lines that use {reshape2}