trevorld / r-argparse

command-line optional and positional argument parser
GNU General Public License v2.0
103 stars 11 forks source link

push 2.0 to conda repositories? #29

Closed jameslamb closed 5 years ago

jameslamb commented 5 years ago

@trevorld thanks for this great package! I use it in a lot of my projects.

After debugging some build failures on doppel-cli tonight, I realized that the version of argparse available via conda install is far behind CRAN.


Could you please push 2.0.1 to the r conda channel?


trevorld commented 5 years ago

I've never used conda nor have I ever packaged anything for conda. It might be best to find and ask who previously put it to conda to update or since you seem to be an experienced conda user maybe you should update it yourself? The big change in dependencies from 1.1.1 to 2.0.1 was dropping the R packages proto and getopt and adding the R package R6.

jameslamb commented 5 years ago

Ha oh ok. I will do some detective work. I assumed that R packages that make it to conda are pushed there by their maintainers. It's wild that someone took your package and put it up there without you!

Please feel free to close this issue if this isn't something you're involved with. Would you like me to comment on it when I learn more, so you know who is distributing your package without your knowledge?

trevorld commented 5 years ago

I don't think it is that wild. Aren't software packages for package managers like conda/apt/chocalatey/pacman/etc. often (usually?) maintained by someone other than the developer of the upstream package? And aren't they often quite old because they are maintained by someone other than the developer? For example my one R package in Debian (optparse) is also maintained by a user because it was a dependency of a piece of software he wanted to place in Debian. I'd only assume that R packages on CRAN itself are maintained by the software developer and reasonably up-to-date (although the Github version is often even more up-to-date than the CRAN version!).

Feel free to comment with details if you'd like but I don't really need to know who put it up there. The package license allows distribution without informing me so they haven't done anything wrong (and in fact I'm glad someone found enough value in my package to take the effort to share it with others).