If anyone wants to take this on it should be added to emscripten and not webkit.js. Essentially it's webgl calls to canvas "fake" object in a worker needs to do postMessage's up to parent and pass through any uint8clamp texture maps, etc. Also, any events (or return values) need to be proxied back down.
Issue has been resolved in emscripten, this will be closed when the fix has landed, remember to update README.md to require the next version of emscripten.
If anyone wants to take this on it should be added to emscripten and not webkit.js. Essentially it's webgl calls to canvas "fake" object in a worker needs to do postMessage's up to parent and pass through any uint8clamp texture maps, etc. Also, any events (or return values) need to be proxied back down.
See https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/issues/2396