trevorturk / flash_cookie_session

Rails 3 cookie sessions can cooperate with Flash
79 stars 16 forks source link

Just gave this a try - Great idea! #1

Closed bhellman1 closed 13 years ago

bhellman1 commented 13 years ago

love the idea. Just tried it out. It pleasantly worked in FireFox 4 but for some reason failed in Safar and Chrome... Have you noticed this?

Here's the output if it helps:

Started POST "/photos/upload" for at Sun Oct 24 17:44:03 -0700 2010 Processing by PhotosController#upload as HTML Parameters: {"photo"=>{"photo"=>#File:/var/folders/lF/lF0Ne5vGFj44kV54W3zBdU+++TI/-Tmp-/RackMultipart20101024-36857-aqpa3j-0}, "_http_accept"=>"application/javascript", "Filename"=>"3012430_company03.jpeg", "uuid"=>"f331247a-dfd0-11df-aa5d-78ca39fffe30", "folder"=>"/projects/", "authenticity_token"=>"aofKwsJeVpP4alHERQbjsd9Kg1L2Yo7P69W8Y8a /zA=", "Upload"=>"Submit Query", "_boo_session"=>"BAh7CCIQX2NzcmZfdG9rZW4iMWFvZkt3c0plVnBQNGFsSEVSUWJqc2Q5S2cxTDJZbzdQNjlXOFk4YSsvekE9Ig9zZXNzaW9uX2lkIiViNjE1YWQ0ODY1MjlkNzEwODNlMWE1MjQyZjNhYjU5MCIZd2FyZGVuLnVzZXIudXNlci5rZXlbByIJVXNlcmkG--e2f89493f5b6b8d42f3bcd8fd0cc087632eb6410", "project_id"=>"56"} Completed in 0ms

ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):

trevorturk commented 13 years ago

There really shouldn't be any difference between the browsers. I've got it working in all. Sorry, I'm not sure what could be wrong. Please let me know if you figure it out!

bhellman1 commented 13 years ago

I couldn't figure it out so switched back to the middleware. which is working great. must be something uploadify specific.

trevorturk commented 13 years ago

Sorry this didn't work for you -- let me know if you end up being able to use it!