trevorturk / flash_cookie_session

Rails 3 cookie sessions can cooperate with Flash
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Problem with session_store #10

Closed tbohr closed 13 years ago

tbohr commented 13 years ago

Hello, i get a problem with "... FlashCookieSession config missing (RuntimeError) ..." in Line 18 of railtie.rb. I tried to solve. The Sessions get saved in database: My Setting in application.rb is config.action_dispatch.session_store = :active_record_store So i don't have a configuration in evironment.rb...

Can you help me please? / Give me an hint? Thanks!

Warm regards Torben

trevorturk commented 13 years ago

You could just look at the code and not use the gem -- just put the relevant stuff into your app directly.

toXXIc commented 12 years ago

I had the same problem, but I found that this exception is thrown when session store key is not set in sesstion_store.rb. So my problem was solved by writing:

Reserv::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_my_app_session' # :key should be specified

By the way, when :key is not set, Rails defaults it to '_session_id', so FlashCookieSession can take it into account. And also it would be nice to change exception message to make it more reliable. Actually it's not FlashCookieSession config is missing, but session store or session store key is missing.

trevorturk commented 12 years ago

@toXXIc thanks for the pointers -- please do work up a pull request!