trexminer / T-Rex

T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner with web control monitoring page
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unknown error #319

Open Kry0geniX opened 3 years ago

Kry0geniX commented 3 years ago

Miner crashes and exits with an unusual error code: eyJhIjoiK0dKRDVacnowWnh0ZCtEbjFEcVRoOUNXcGVDRW91bU0xNDYvSHRlNUR5RmRWMjR6dzBxUThtSE1TWi96Uml4QUNRWnozdGhBb0JZek9QVHZPWVpBb3FZZFhZYTRjeEZqODkyL0RoQ3RRVFU9IiwiYiI6IndhK3hJSkxhZ2dmS3Q5SndXQ1RoWUE9PSJ9Cg on miner version 0.19.12 with nvidia driver version 460.56 and cuda version 11.10. Full readout below: Host is arch linux with latest nvidia updates installed.

` T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.19.12 - [CUDA v11.10 | Linux] r.34753df0aef5

NVIDIA Driver v460.56 CUDA devices available: 1

WARN: DevFee 1% (ethash)

URL : stratum+tcp:// USER: 0x2c696C8198275d67D222b2bE1BA459e6900d3b87 PASS: x WRK : arch-miner

Starting on: ApiServer: HTTP server started on

For control navigate to:

ApiServer: Telnet server started on Using protocol: stratum1. Authorizing... WARN: GPU #0(000100): EVGA GeForce GTX 1080, intensity set to 15, mtweak 2 Authorized successfully. ethash epoch: 402, block: 12070107, diff: 8.73 G ethash epoch: 402, block: 12070107, diff: 8.73 G TREX: eyJhIjoiN0RpOEcybTN3Uy9HbHI2WWttUnNXN1RBZ0hnaCszTVBCV1BaWTlMbVBjUkpaSzlOaXY1ZzVCNU9lVEtOTWp2R3k3cXlobUN4SFBONG90MnJTYmhWMFUvWU91am5GU29hekRob01OTmtEVGs9IiwiYiI6IkNoNytqOFlmM1dTZmludUJXaXlHbkE9PSJ9Cg== WARN: Miner is going to shutdown... Main loop finished. Cleaning up resources... ApiServer: stopped listening on ApiServer: stopped listening on GPU #0: generating DAG 4.14 GB for epoch 402 ... [000100]: deinitialize mtweak, code 1 [000100]: deinitialize mtweak, code 2 T-Rex finished. [2] 8371 killed sudo ./bin/t-rex/t-rex -a ethash --coin Ethash --kernel 0 -o -u -w -p x 1`

Ryxwaer commented 3 years ago

same error here: issue 316

pc-2198x commented 3 years ago

See #296 , has working test builds for this issue CUDA 10 and 11.