treydock / puppet-module-globus

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setting restrict_paths in globus 5.x #38

Open rockpapergoat opened 11 months ago

rockpapergoat commented 11 months ago

it looks like the calls to the defined type for adding config lines doesn't get called if the globus version is 5.

is the way to add path restriction via extra_gridftp_settings, and is the format the same?

treydock commented 9 months ago

What is it you are trying to do exactly? The only way I know to do restricted paths is like this:

# cat /etc/globus/ess-restrict-paths.json
  "DATA_TYPE": "path_restrictions#1.0.0",
  "read_write": [
  "none": [

# globus-connect-server storage-gateway update posix --restrict-paths file:/etc/globus/ess-restrict-paths.json <UUID>

The old file /etc/globus-connect-server.conf I don't think matters for Globus v5.4 , which is the only file I've seen where paths can be set in a standard location. That file was for Globus v4 which is no longer supported.