trezor / blockbook

:blue_book: Trezor address/account balance backend
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
640 stars 635 forks source link

Does blockbook support BSC PBSS? #1065

Closed shupkat closed 1 month ago

shupkat commented 3 months ago

The version of bsc backend in standard configs is old and does not contain many new features including PBSS. Are there plans to update the bsc config and enable support for new features in the blockbook? Because now if I independently change the versions and settings for bsc backend then my blockbook will not work.

I get this error in the blockbook error log file E0414 13:37:33.695788 37765 sync.go:377] GetBlockHash error Block not found

I'm using a snapshot from 48 club -

bsc.json config
    "coin": {
        "name": "BNB Smart Chain",
        "shortcut": "BNB",
        "label": "BNB Smart Chain",
        "alias": "bsc"
    "ports": {
        "backend_rpc": 8064,
        "backend_p2p": 38364,
        "backend_http": 8164,
        "blockbook_internal": 9064,
        "blockbook_public": 9164
    "ipc": {
        "rpc_url_template": "ws://{{.Ports.BackendRPC}}",
        "rpc_timeout": 25
    "backend": {
        "package_name": "backend-bsc",
        "package_revision": "satoshilabs-1",
        "system_user": "bsc",
        "version": "1.3.13",
        "binary_url": "",
        "verification_type": "sha256",
        "verification_source": "e48b613a8da2607fd4ab3f41ec320c8cf56aab975ea4362fc329208d0b90b368",
        "extract_command": "mv ${ARCHIVE} backend/geth_linux && chmod +x backend/geth_linux && echo",
        "exclude_files": [],
        "exec_command_template": "/bin/sh -c '{{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/ 2>> {{.Env.BackendDataPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/backend/{{.Coin.Alias}}.log'",
        "exec_script": "",
        "logrotate_files_template": "{{.Env.BackendDataPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/backend/{{.Coin.Alias}}.log",
        "postinst_script_template": "wget -O {{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/ && unzip -o -d {{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}} {{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/ && rm -f {{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/ && sed -i -e '/\\[Node.LogConfig\\]/,+5d' {{.Env.BackendInstallPath}}/{{.Coin.Alias}}/config.toml",
        "service_type": "simple",
        "service_additional_params_template": "",
        "protect_memory": true,
        "mainnet": true,
        "server_config_file": "",
        "client_config_file": "",
        "platforms": {
            "arm64": {
                "binary_url": "",
                "verification_source": "37e990242a2be465bfa007bf1e73d7ce95239933bc3761d7af52304df7d7364d"
    "blockbook": {
        "package_name": "blockbook-bsc",
        "system_user": "blockbook-bsc",
        "internal_binding_template": ":{{.Ports.BlockbookInternal}}",
        "public_binding_template": ":{{.Ports.BlockbookPublic}}",
        "explorer_url": "",
        "additional_params": "-dbcache=1500000000 -workers=16",
        "block_chain": {
            "parse": true,
            "mempool_workers": 8,
            "mempool_sub_workers": 2,
            "block_addresses_to_keep": 300,
            "additional_params": {
                "mempoolTxTimeoutHours": 48,
                "queryBackendOnMempoolResync": false,
                "fiat_rates": "coingecko",
                "fiat_rates_params": "{\"coin\": \"binancecoin\",\"platformIdentifier\": \"binance-smart-chain\",\"platformVsCurrency\": \"bnb\",\"periodSeconds\": 900}"
    "meta": {
        "package_maintainer": "IT",
        "package_maintainer_email": ""
 set -e



if [ ! -d "$CHAINDATA_DIR" ]; then
  $GETH_BIN init --state.scheme=path --datadir $DATA_DIR $INSTALL_DIR/genesis.json

  --config $INSTALL_DIR/config.toml \\
  --datadir $DATA_DIR \\
  --port 38364 \\
  --http \\
  --http.addr \\
  --http.port 8164 \\
  --http.api eth,net,web3,debug,txpool \\
  --http.vhosts '*' \\
  --http.corsdomain '*' \\
  --ws \\
  --ws.addr \\
  --ws.port 8064 \\
  --ws.api eth,net,web3,debug,txpool \\ '*' \\
  --syncmode full \\
  --maxpeers 200 \\
  --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \\
  --txlookuplimit 0 \\
  --cache 8000 \\
  --ipcdisable \\
  --nat none \\
  --history.transactions=0 \\
  --db.engine=pebble \\
cpuchainorg commented 1 month ago

@shupkat It is not possible, since Geth doesn't support PBSS for archive nodes yet ( They do have a plan on their roadmap, so I think it should be available soon ).

Meanwhile you may want to run erigon-bsc which offers lower disk footprint

martinboehm commented 1 month ago

As we do not operate BSC backends we do not update the configs on a periodic base. If you are interested, please update the configs to the newest version and make a PR.