After downloading the latest blockbook code, and resyncing the entire BTC chain, the Trezor Suite app is showing price data from several years ago, and I've noticed the INFO log is showing the following message:
fiat_rates.go:195] syncHistorical GetData error: Invalid response status: 429 Too Many Requests
Coingecko is rate limiting its API. When Blockbook encounters this error, it will try again later. Or, you can disable the download of fiat rates completely by removing the fiat_rates entry from config.
After downloading the latest blockbook code, and resyncing the entire BTC chain, the Trezor Suite app is showing price data from several years ago, and I've noticed the INFO log is showing the following message:
fiat_rates.go:195] syncHistorical GetData error: Invalid response status: 429 Too Many Requests
Is there something I should do?