trezor / python-trezor

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"sign_tx" is not shown in "--help" #146

Closed jonathancross closed 6 years ago

jonathancross commented 6 years ago

Is transaction signing working? Should it work offline or only with internet connection?

Available commands:
    backup_device       Perform device seed backup
    change_pin          Change new PIN or remove existing
    clear_session       Clear session (remove cached PIN, passphrase, etc.)
    decrypt_keyvalue    Decrypt value by given key and path
    decrypt_message     Decrypt message
    disable_passphrase  Disable passphrase
    enable_passphrase   Enable passphrase
    encrypt_keyvalue    Encrypt value by given key and path
    encrypt_message     Encrypt message
                        Get Ethereum address in hex encoding
    ethereum_sign_tx    Sign (and optionally publish) Ethereum transaction
    firmware_update     Upload new firmware to device (must be in bootloader
    get_address         Get bitcoin address in base58 encoding
    get_entropy         Get example entropy
    get_features        Retrieve device features and settings
    get_public_node     Get public node of given path
    list                List connected TREZOR USB devices
    list_coins          List all supported coin types by the device
    load_device         Load custom configuration to the device
    ping                Send ping message
    recovery_device     Start safe recovery workflow
    reset_device        Perform device setup and generate new seed
    self_test           Perform a self-test
    set_homescreen      Set new homescreen
    set_label           Set new wallet label
    set_u2f_counter     Set U2F counter
    sign_message        Sign message using address of given path
    verify_message      Verify message
    wipe_device         Reset device to factory defaults and remove all
                        private data.
prusnak commented 6 years ago

Are you using trezorctl from master or from PyPI?

prusnak commented 6 years ago

Closing as I am sure this is caused by using older version being used (from PyPI) not the one from master.

Use the following if you want to use version from master:

pip install git+

jonathancross commented 6 years ago

I was using the v0.7.16 release version of trezorctl on Tails 3.0. I'll experiment more as it could be a missing dependency there.

prusnak commented 6 years ago

Yeah, sign_tx is implemented only in master.