trezor / trezor-firmware

:lock: Trezor Firmware Monorepo
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non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) #1103

Closed KayBeSee closed 4 years ago

KayBeSee commented 4 years ago

I am building a multisignature wallet and am running into a weird issue when signing with Trezors.

I can sign the following transaction with Ledgers and Coldcards and they are able to broadcast them no problem but when I sign with a Trezor, I get the error below.




"code": -26,
"message": "non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation)"

I understand that with the most recent firmware update, I need to attach the previous transaction to the nonWitnessUtxo field in the input, which I am doing. It looks like it is signing it no problem on the device, but when I attempt to broadcast it fails.

I looked online and it said it might be a precision error with giving the wrong values on the input but I don't think that is the case here since I can sign and broadcast with other hardware wallets.

Any ideas?

prusnak commented 4 years ago

Might be relevant:

Which version of HWI and Bitcoind do you use?

matejcik commented 4 years ago

@KayBeSee please provide the transaction you are signing, preferably in the trezorctl json format

KayBeSee commented 4 years ago

I am using HWI 1.1.2 and broadcasting the transaction using Blockstream's API.

Here is the hex of a transaction I was trying to sign and broadcast earlier:


I am building the transaction using bitcoinjs-lib. Here is the code constructing the transaction.

tsusanka commented 4 years ago

@KayBeSee could you please provide the json format for trezorctl as @matejcik mentioned? Or PSBT. That would help us a lot to debug this issue.

KayBeSee commented 4 years ago

PSBT.toBase64 (this is what I am passing to HWI for signing): 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

JSON (I constructed this manually by just copying the values into the right format):

  "coin_name": "Bitcoin",
  inputs: [
      address_n: m//48'/0'/0'/2'/1/2,
      prev_hash: 9b6315ba3af1049d7a3a57bd0dca70d01cdad592042530e38db4e425a0d20a16
      prev_index: 1,
      script_type: 3,
      sequence: 4294967295
  outputs: [
      address: bc1qpnf3qjm9az7thalww2ulprweep5v7pu0v9ml6q,
      amount: 100000,
      script_type: 4
      address: bc1qhdkltckzfehkfucxgpmhruu2ed88qmnex43ssjrfjvz5a38r63dqfu7ffu,
      address_n: m/48'/0'/0'/2'/1/3
      script_type: 4,
      amount: 267089
  details: {
    version: 2,
    locktime: 0

After reading through the documentation for trezor JSON format I noticed that I am not appending the amount, address_n, nor script_type to the inputs (they are not supported types in Bitcoinjs-Lib. Do you think that could be causing the issue?

prusnak commented 4 years ago

Do you think that could be causing the issue?

I would say so ...

Since this is not an issue in Trezor, I am closing this. But feel free to ask further questions here.