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:lock: Trezor Firmware Monorepo
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"failed to compile output" When signing via Trezor with Electrum mulisig. #1214

Closed Freeland90 closed 4 years ago

Freeland90 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm using Multisig with two hardware wallets, one of which is Trezor. When signing a transaction, the first wallets signs successfully but Trezor shows the amount and requires the Tx to be confirmed from the device, after that I get this error: failed to compile output". I use Model One on Mac.


20200821T161102.725200Z |     INFO | logging | Electrum version: 4.0.2 - -
20200821T161102.743317Z |     INFO | logging | Python version: 3.7.7 (default, Jun 23 2020, 16:29:54) 
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)]. On platform: Darwin-19.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
20200821T161102.743856Z |     INFO | logging | Logging to file: /Users/**/.electrum/logs/electrum_log_20200821T161102Z_4889.log
20200821T161102.743967Z |     INFO | logging | Log filters: verbosity '', verbosity_shortcuts ''
20200821T161102.750419Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware bitbox02: ('hardware', 'bitbox02', 'BitBox02')
20200821T161102.753657Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware coldcard: ('hardware', 'coldcard', 'Coldcard Wallet')
20200821T161102.757696Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware digitalbitbox: ('hardware', 'digitalbitbox', 'Digital Bitbox wallet')
20200821T161102.764634Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware keepkey: ('hardware', 'keepkey', 'KeepKey wallet')
20200821T161102.768596Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware ledger: ('hardware', 'ledger', 'Ledger wallet')
20200821T161102.773201Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware safe_t: ('hardware', 'safe_t', 'Safe-T mini wallet')
20200821T161102.775110Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware trezor: ('hardware', 'trezor', 'Trezor wallet')
20200821T161102.777267Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering wallet type ('2fa', 'trustedcoin')
20200821T161102.875093Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | loaded virtualkeyboard
20200821T161102.875521Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Plugins.__init__ 0.1312
20200821T161102.877691Z |     INFO | network | blockchains [0]
20200821T161102.881524Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletDB._load_transactions 0.0003
20200821T161102.882073Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.load_local_history 0.0000
20200821T161102.882351Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.check_history 0.0000
20200821T161102.883069Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.SweepStore | SQL thread started
20200821T161102.884207Z |     INFO | exchange_rate.FxThread | using exchange CoinGecko
20200821T161102.886350Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Daemon.__init__ 0.0107
20200821T161102.886604Z |     INFO | daemon.Daemon | launching GUI: qt
20200821T161102.887104Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.SweepStore | Creating database
20200821T161102.887789Z |     INFO | network | starting network
20200821T161102.888042Z |     INFO | network | setting proxy None
20200821T161102.888755Z |     INFO | daemon.Daemon | starting taskgroup.
20200821T161102.889148Z |     INFO | network | connecting to as new interface
20200821T161102.890762Z |     INFO | network | starting taskgroup.
20200821T161102.919698Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list | could not import electrum.plot. This feature needs matplotlib to be installed.
20200821T161102.927159Z |     INFO | gui.qt.ElectrumGui | Qt GUI starting up... Qt=5.14.2, PyQt=5.14.2
20200821T161103.136744Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | ElectrumGui.__init__ 0.2114
20200821T161103.137403Z |     INFO | storage.WalletStorage | wallet path /Users/**/.electrum/wallets/Ledger
20200821T161103.345408Z |     INFO | interface.[hsmiths5mjk6uijs.onion:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161103.347633Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161103.350134Z |     INFO | interface.[bauerjhejlv6di7s.onion:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161103.352390Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface hsmiths5mjk6uijs.onion:50002:s -- CancelledError()
20200821T161103.352832Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161103.353362Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface bauerjhejlv6di7s.onion:50002:s -- CancelledError()
20200821T161103.388467Z |     INFO | storage.WalletStorage | wallet path /Users/**/.electrum/wallets/Ledger
20200821T161103.437567Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(61, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161103.438083Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161103.462319Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.14.0', '1.4']
20200821T161103.512849Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161103.514615Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161103.568703Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161103.569138Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161103.569440Z |     INFO | network | no height for main interface
20200821T161103.569916Z |     INFO | network | switching to
20200821T161103.573270Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.WatchTower | set_up_to_date: False
20200821T161103.588581Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21096, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161103.675646Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.WatchTower | set_up_to_date: True
20200821T161103.680970Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.12', '1.4']
20200821T161103.687493Z |     INFO | network | fee_histogram [[185, 100203], [154, 132753], [147, 120865], [144, 112373], [142, 188979], [130, 131573], [129, 1186281], [128, 2984], [127, 1878], [126, 3369], [125, 31547], [80, 127027], [52, 351078], [44, 1181528], [43, 119250], [42, 20763], [36, 2376456], [35, 20257], [34, 16584], [33, 4627], [28, 207563], [19, 740084], [17, 804558], [12, 1271951], [9, 971908], [6, 896776], [4, 1321481], [3, 986291], [2, 3678591], [1, 11320573]]
20200821T161103.790513Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161103.790934Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161103.795802Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21096, 10: 128978, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161103.819554Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161103.936980Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161103.937409Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161103.951027Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21096, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161103.954041Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161104.050662Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161104.064273Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161104.064692Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161104.122447Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128978, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161104.228587Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161104.229732Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161104.233399Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161104.557207Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161104.880193Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161104.881518Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161104.922362Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161115.043899Z |     INFO | storage.WalletStorage | wallet path /Users/**/.electrum/wallets/Trezor
20200821T161122.912835Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletDB._load_transactions 0.0007
20200821T161123.035978Z |     INFO | plugin.Plugins | loaded trezor
20200821T161123.036699Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.load_local_history 0.0000
20200821T161123.036998Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.check_history 0.0002
20200821T161123.038177Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletDB._load_transactions 0.0001
20200821T161123.038763Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.load_local_history 0.0000
20200821T161123.039017Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.check_history 0.0000
20200821T161123.039487Z |     INFO | wallet.Multisig_Wallet.[Trezor] | set_up_to_date: False
20200821T161123.072006Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.LNWalletWatcher | set_up_to_date: False
20200821T161123.177127Z |     INFO | lnwatcher.LNWalletWatcher | set_up_to_date: True
20200821T161123.189727Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161123.355348Z |     INFO | wallet.Multisig_Wallet.[Trezor] | set_up_to_date: True
20200821T161123.357858Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | scanning devices...
20200821T161123.378144Z |     INFO | storage.WalletStorage | saved /Users/**/.electrum/wallets/Trezor
20200821T161123.378374Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletStorage.write 0.0225
20200821T161123.399408Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | getting client for keystore
20200821T161123.399659Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | end client for keystore
20200821T161123.399774Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | getting client for keystore
20200821T161123.414052Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Deterministic_Wallet.try_detecting_internal_addresses_corruption 0.0562
20200821T161123.414171Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | ElectrumWindow.load_wallet 0.0944
20200821T161123.869940Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs
20200821T161123.870931Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 0.0005
20200821T161123.871400Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0015
20200821T161123.872966Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161124.190297Z |     INFO | gui.qt.update_checker.UpdateCheckThread | valid sig for version announcement '3.3.8' from address '13xjmVAB1EATPP8RshTE8S8sNwwSUM9p1P'
20200821T161133.265480Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161133.373059Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161133.373483Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161133.404258Z |     INFO | interface.[[2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(65, 'No route to host')))
20200821T161133.405972Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002:s -- CancelledError()
20200821T161133.426169Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161133.428860Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161133.577410Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161133.742548Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(61, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)"))
20200821T161133.743749Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161134.305676Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161134.418872Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161134.419370Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161134.428501Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161134.834347Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs
20200821T161134.835729Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 0.0005
20200821T161134.836195Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0019
20200821T161134.838736Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161135.359189Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | scanning devices...
20200821T161135.384294Z |     INFO | plugins.trezor.qt.Plugin | connecting to device at bridge:30
20200821T161135.407825Z |     INFO | plugins.trezor.qt.Plugin | connected to device at bridge:30
20200821T161135.569923Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | Registering Trezor/1C3831ADF1449A0AC947DDDD
20200821T161135.627429Z |     INFO | interface.[] | succeeded in getting cert
20200821T161136.842458Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.14.0', '1.4']
20200821T161137.198813Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161137.199976Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161137.205048Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161137.335766Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs
20200821T161137.337098Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 0.0008
20200821T161137.337728Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0020
20200821T161137.340764Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161201.122232Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161203.280616Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161203.500485Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161203.524947Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))
20200821T161203.526827Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.575779Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(61, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)"))
20200821T161203.576787Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.641875Z |     INFO | interface.[bauerjhejlv6di7s.onion:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161203.644592Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface bauerjhejlv6di7s.onion:50002:s -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.645733Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(61, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161203.646557Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.706839Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161203.733914Z |     INFO | network | fee_histogram [[194, 100336], [159, 110685], [148, 126918], [144, 199829], [143, 116710], [140, 120967], [129, 1310133], [128, 3766], [127, 1878], [126, 3851], [125, 33176], [122, 17959], [59, 314998], [50, 353330], [44, 1041856], [43, 119250], [40, 167472], [36, 2232700], [35, 20257], [34, 16584], [33, 4879], [21, 758129], [17, 999535], [14, 708557], [10, 1117932], [6, 1317637], [4, 1321842], [3, 987263], [2, 3678591], [1, 11320985]]
20200821T161203.773278Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161203.775643Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.780361Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161203.782192Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.887947Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known')))
20200821T161203.891877Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161203.913840Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161204.280697Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161204.417669Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161204.516857Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.8.2', '1.4']
20200821T161204.588009Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161205.287063Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161205.524255Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to GracefulDisconnect('session was closed')
20200821T161205.525779Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161205.605309Z |     INFO | interface.[[2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3076:7001]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(65, 'No route to host')))
20200821T161205.605964Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2a03:b0c0:1:d0::3076:7001]:50002:s -- CancelledError()
20200821T161215.980585Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | end client for keystore
20200821T161218.691122Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161218.698029Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161218.725056Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 110)")))
20200821T161233.958848Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161234.587084Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161234.751086Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161234.923918Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161234.925091Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161234.932524Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161235.336921Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs
20200821T161235.337376Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0005
20200821T161235.341025Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161235.702136Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- TimeoutError()
20200821T161235.842639Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(61, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161235.843712Z |     INFO | network | couldn't launch iface -- CancelledError()
20200821T161236.549231Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4']
20200821T161236.674612Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 644727
20200821T161236.675358Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 644727
20200821T161236.733705Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161236.836631Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs
20200821T161236.837678Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0010
20200821T161236.842202Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000
20200821T161237.520182Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161244.810897Z |     INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: HistoryList.update()
20200821T161244.811996Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 0.0005
20200821T161244.812400Z |    DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 0.0015
20200821T161248.667773Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)"))
20200821T161248.891854Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 17315)")))
20200821T161303.783740Z |     INFO | network | fee_histogram [[194, 100336], [159, 110685], [148, 126918], [144, 199829], [143, 116710], [140, 120967], [129, 1310133], [128, 3766], [127, 1878], [126, 3851], [125, 33176], [122, 17959], [59, 314998], [50, 353330], [44, 1041856], [43, 119250], [40, 167472], [36, 2232700], [35, 20257], [34, 16584], [33, 4879], [21, 758129], [17, 999535], [14, 708557], [10, 1117932], [6, 1317637], [4, 1321842], [3, 987263], [2, 3678591], [1, 11320985]]
20200821T161303.829135Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161304.036191Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161304.460106Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161304.603857Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161305.218132Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161305.673561Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161319.351718Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161321.035073Z |     INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(TimeoutError(60, "Connect call failed ('', 50002)")))
20200821T161334.719436Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161335.112688Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161336.984023Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161337.820533Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161343.570847Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | getting client for keystore
20200821T161343.572219Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | scanning devices...
20200821T161343.759748Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | end client for keystore
20200821T161343.843771Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | getting client for keystore
20200821T161343.844274Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | scanning devices...
20200821T161343.976785Z |     INFO | plugin.DeviceMgr | end client for keystore
20200821T161348.773600Z |    ERROR | gui.qt.main_window.[Trezor] | on_error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 243, in sign_tx
    return trezorlib.btc.sign_tx(self.client, *args, **kwargs)
  File "trezorlib/", line 223, in wrapped_f
  File "trezorlib/", line 183, in sign_tx
  File "trezorlib/", line 223, in wrapped_f
  File "trezorlib/", line 225, in call
trezorlib.exceptions.TrezorFailure: ProcessError: Failed to compile input

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "electrum/gui/qt/", line 833, in run
  File "electrum/", line 1564, in sign_transaction
  File "/Applications/", line 95, in sign_transaction
    self.plugin.sign_transaction(self, tx, prev_tx)
  File "/Applications/", line 329, in sign_transaction
    signatures, _ = client.sign_tx(self.get_coin_name(), inputs, outputs, details=details, prev_txes=prev_tx)
  File "/Applications/", line 243, in sign_tx
    return trezorlib.btc.sign_tx(self.client, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Applications/", line 84, in __exit__
    raise RuntimeError(str(e)) from e
RuntimeError: ProcessError: Failed to compile input
20200821T161403.805809Z |     INFO | network | fee_histogram [[204, 100864], [164, 116126], [150, 121317], [146, 130257], [143, 262803], [142, 115356], [134, 116138], [129, 1251899], [128, 7976], [127, 10663], [126, 5226], [125, 34354], [83, 191673], [53, 333439], [44, 1225651], [43, 119250], [42, 21172], [36, 2379660], [35, 20257], [34, 16584], [33, 4879], [21, 760561], [17, 1001440], [15, 615167], [11, 876634], [7, 1247855], [5, 1164433], [3, 1552674], [2, 3678151], [1, 11323169]]
20200821T161403.954025Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161404.159288Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161404.642365Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161404.786615Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161405.846777Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161406.033861Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161434.847460Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161435.292496Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161438.302568Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
20200821T161438.403779Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21095, 10: 128977, 5: 129226, 2: 142345}
Freeland90 commented 4 years ago

Solved! When configuring my Electrum multisig, I chose a different derivation (m/49'/0'/0'/), apparently, Trezor expects m/48'/0'/0'/. This was the reason for this issue. Worked perfectly now.