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Support for BIP-85 in Trezor firmware #1528

Open 8go opened 3 years ago

8go commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No, this feature request is not related to an existing problem. This is a request for new, additional functionality, adding a new useful feature to Trezor devices.

Describe the solution you'd like BIP-85 allows the derivation of child seeds from a master seed. This is very useful and should be implemented inside the firmware of the Trezor device so that the user never has to enter the master seed on any keyboard, etc.

The sample use case is the following: A Trezor user already has a Trezor and a (master) seed, e.g. 24 words. The user already stores this (master) seed safely on steel plates in 3 different countries. Now the user wants to give his teenage son a new Trezor and the user of course wants that the son uses a different seed, but the user does not want to go through the hassle of creating a brand new seed and storing it again on new steel plates and traveling again to 3 countries to hide the additional plates.

BIP-85 comes to the rescue. The user uses his (master) seed to derive a new seed for his son. The user does not need to create any backup, does not need to buy any more steel plates, does not need to store any new steel plates, etc. Anytime in the future should the user want to know the seed of his son the user can deterministically derive the child seed again from his master seed via BIP-58 (on the Trezor firmware). As a matter of fact, the user can derive an unlimited number of independent child seeds from his master seed. E.g. the user could derive 12 different child seeds, one for each of his 12 children.

How would that work.

If the user selects option (B), asks firmware to replace current seed with newly computed child seed then the device reconfigures itself to store and use the new child seed. The user can now give this new Trezor device to its son. Both, the user and its son are happy. The son does not need to worry about backups, the user knows he can come to the rescue if son loses the device. And both use different seeds and therefore keys and addresses between both are well separated.

And yes, it is understood that in the given example, the son must trust the parent. The parent can rob the son. But the parent does not need to trust the son. The son cannot rob the parent.

Other uses cases are:

Describe alternatives you've considered Of course one can use BIP-85 today on an offline computer to derive a child seed via some Python or JavaScript software that implements BIP-58. You enter the master seed on the keyboard and the software spits out a child seed. But that is a lot of work (set up an offline computer, etc.) and not so safe (you have to enter the master seed on the keyboard or similar).

This is NOT ideal. The ideal case is that the master seed never leaves the Trezor, and that one never has to enter the master seed on a keyboard or similar. The only good solution is that the firmware computes the child seed using BIP-85.

Additional context

So, in order to stay competitive and to provide users with useful features, Trezor should also kindly implement BIP-85 in its firmware. This helps to sell more Trezors, and helps Trezor users stay safe.

hommadi2001 commented 1 year ago

This feature would be extremely useful. It is difficult to support all sorts of coins out there. And frustrating to wait for new coins to be added. This feature would allow backing up a very wide range of coins using one and only well kept master key. Please give this a priority kick.

chaserene commented 1 year ago

I'm fairly certain that the importance of BIP-85 in Trezor is underestimated.

without this, we can't have a trustless and practical way of implementing universal social recovery and inheritance. this feature is a requirement for practical self-custody.

@prusnak, how can people who don't work at Satoshi Labs help this become part of the firmware?

prusnak commented 1 year ago

how can people who don't work at Satoshi Labs help this become part of the firmware?

Trezor is an open-source project hosted on GitHub. Anyone can open a pull request which will get reviewed by our firmware maintainers.