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Complete dry run of all Shamir shares #276

Open ZdenekSL opened 5 years ago

ZdenekSL commented 5 years ago

Possibility to run dry run of all Shamir shares. User in the device should be asked, after threshold, if he wants to check all remaining shares for validity.

ciny commented 4 years ago

WIP on this is in ciny/shamir_dryrun branch. UI and workflow should work. Based on discussion at standup we'll finish this up after #270 is done.

tsusanka commented 4 years ago

@ZdenekSL didn't we decide that we won't do this unless Product decides so?

ZdenekSL commented 4 years ago

@tsusanka yup, that's why there is product owner label :)

ZdenekSL commented 4 years ago

Product Owner decided that we will implement this in the future.

sorooris commented 4 years ago

FYI this issue is also present in the Shamir groups - user is prompted to enter another group shares after an in-group share threshold is reached.