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Stellar: add support for Soroban Smart Contract. #3471

Open overcat opened 6 months ago

overcat commented 6 months ago

Stellar will upgrade its mainnet to Protocol 20 on January 30, 2024. This marks the most significant upgrade since the launch of the Stellar network, introducing support for Soroban Smart Contracts. I hope that we can add support for it in Trezor.

Spec: We need to perform the following tasks:

The complete documentation can be found here, and the complete XDR definition can be found here.

Design: Furthermore, I have already validated this locally. Of course, this is not the final version, and I will make some optimizations. After completing these optimizations, I will submit a new pull request. Below is a demonstration:

matejcik commented 6 months ago

once again i have to give kudos to Stellar for their schema being extremely sanely designed :100:

with that said, please hold off on this a little. if you already have proof of concept, you should be able to measure how much flash space the implementation eats (by building firmware with and without it)

overcat commented 6 months ago

how much flash space the implementation eats

python tools/size/

master branch

    56_124: bitcoin              (  439 symbols)
    48_758: monero               (  349 symbols)
    35_606: cardano              (  301 symbols)
    26_307: solana               (   81 symbols)
    22_512: webauthn             (  182 symbols)
    20_666: common               (  161 symbols)
    16_976: management           (  100 symbols)
    14_891: ethereum             (   83 symbols)
    10_627: nem                  (   77 symbols)
**   8_548: stellar              (   61 symbols) ** 
     6_997: eos                  (   53 symbols)
     6_543: tezos                (   34 symbols)
     4_949: zcash                (   52 symbols)
     3_831: misc                 (   19 symbols)
     2_773: binance              (   16 symbols)
     2_713: ripple               (   22 symbols)
       723: debug                (    3 symbols)
       715: homescreen           (    6 symbols)
SUMMARY: 18 categories, 2_039 symbols, 290_259 bytes in total.

the poc branch

    56_124: bitcoin              (  439 symbols)
    48_758: monero               (  349 symbols)
    35_606: cardano              (  301 symbols)
    26_307: solana               (   81 symbols)
    22_512: webauthn             (  182 symbols)
    20_666: common               (  161 symbols)
    16_976: management           (  100 symbols)
**  15_773: stellar              (   95 symbols) **
    14_891: ethereum             (   83 symbols)
    10_627: nem                  (   77 symbols)
     6_997: eos                  (   53 symbols)
     6_543: tezos                (   34 symbols)
     4_949: zcash                (   52 symbols)
     3_831: misc                 (   19 symbols)
     2_773: binance              (   16 symbols)
     2_713: ripple               (   22 symbols)
       723: debug                (    3 symbols)
       715: homescreen           (    6 symbols)
SUMMARY: 18 categories, 2_073 symbols, 297_484 bytes in total.

@matejcik, currently it consumes 7225 bytes, but with optimization it should be able to reduce some, although I don't think it will be much.

overcat commented 6 months ago

I added the information to the PoC PR(#3479).


SUMMARY: 2_787 rows, 9_728 bytes in total (L9_264 D464).
Running CMD: `bloaty --csv /home/overcat/repo/sdf/trezor-firmware/core/build/firmware/firmware.elf`
Running CMD: `bloaty --csv /home/overcat/repo/sdf/trezor-firmware/core/tools/size/tmp_for_master_elf/firmware.elf`

Current: flash=688K flash2=784K
Master:  flash=685K flash2=777K
Size_diff: 10 K
Size of flash sections increased by 10 K.
More than allowed 5 K. Failing.