trezor / trezor-suite

:candy: Trezor Suite Monorepo
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Add feature flag to ETH staking #12437

Open MiroslavProchazka opened 2 weeks ago

MiroslavProchazka commented 2 weeks ago

Please add a feature flag to the Ethereum staking section, enabling it to be potentially turned off if necessary (e.g., if a third party goes offline). Additionally, implement a similar logic to that used in the CJ account, allowing us to display a context banner through the messaging system.

tomasklim commented 3 days ago

Should it have different parameters for disabling staking, unstaking, claiming? Because probably the "most" used case will be to disable just staking, but if we find out that unstaking method is somehow broken` maybe we will want to disable just it?

MiroslavProchazka commented 3 days ago

Yeah, that would be good! Good idea.