trezor / trezor-suite

:candy: Trezor Suite Monorepo
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Handle conversion of non-checksummed eth address #12453

Open enjojoy opened 2 weeks ago

enjojoy commented 2 weeks ago


Based on the conversation in the issue, I've decided to do the following:

  1. Check whether the address is a valid ethereum address (already implemented)
  2. Check whether the address is used via blockbook a. If the address is used but unchecksummed or incorrectly checksummed, then Suite will automatically convert the address to the correct checksummed form and inform the user: image b. if the address haven't been used yet and is not checksummed at all, offer to checksum with a button: image


Related Issue

enjojoy commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure the double checkmark icon is present in the icons package, I need to add it there as said in the icons readme, so I can use it in the info bottom text, but I'm not sure I have an access to figma. Could you help me to do that please/give access to figma? @AdamSchinzel

enjojoy commented 1 week ago


image image

enjojoy commented 1 week ago

If the address is not checksummed and haven't been used before, but valid (text message to be adjusted)
