triSYCL / sycl

SYCL for Vitis: Experimental fusion of triSYCL with Intel SYCL oneAPI DPC++ up-streaming effort into Clang/LLVM
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Various updates in version targeting Vitis 2022.2 and multi-devices #214

Closed keryell closed 1 year ago

keryell commented 1 year ago


Momellouky commented 1 year ago

Hi, Is it normal that the following script Xilinx_Unified_2022.2_1014_8888/xsetup --xdebug --batch Install --location /opt/xilinx --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA --product "Vitis" --edition "Vitis Unified Software Platform" takes an eternity to run? I have tried to run it yesterday and it tooks about 4 hours. So I had to stop the whole process.

More details: I need to install trisycl on my local machine (laptop) with an ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. I have a dual boot with windows 10. Each OS takes 500 GB (In total I have 1 TB SSD). After installing vitis from the following link. I have tried the execute the above mentioned script. First, It says that I have not enough space. So I had to delete some files to get more room. In the socond time, the script has not complained about space, but it take very long (and it not terminates). First, I tought that the script has not enough space to continue the installation. However, I guess the scripts calculates memory space it needs before the installation process. Therefore, insufficient memory space is not a reason for this issue.
However, I am wondering if this is normal behaviour of the script. Or there is something wrong wether with my laptop settings or with the script

Thank you.


I would love to add that the execution of the script shows the following trace:

 XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA --product "Vitis" --edition "Vitis Unified Software Platform"
This is a fresh install.
Running in batch mode...
Copyright (c) 1986-2023 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
INFO  - User has accepted the EULAs. 
INFO  - Installing Edition: Vitis Unified Software Platform 
INFO  - Installation directory is /opt/xilinx 

Installing files, 99% completed. (Done)                         
It took 29 minutes to install files.

It stays blocked at this point. CTRL-C causes the script to terminates. So it deletes some -probably all installed- files.


Investigating the running processes. It shows some processes (in the installing directory /opt/xilinx/) are in the S and Sl state (Sleeping waiting for an event to complete).