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Add Protostar support for running starklings exercises on Triality #2

Open david-geisinger opened 1 year ago

david-geisinger commented 1 year ago


Currently, we have the ability to run cairo scripts but we are not successfully running starknet contracts.

In order to achieve our goal of supporting starklings in the browser, we need protostar to run the external functions in the starklings exercises. We will be looking to implement either running the cairo-compile for cairo mummies OR running protostar for starklings in our node server.

Cevedale commented 7 months ago

To add Protostar support for running starklings exercises on Triality it's crucial to ensure compatibility, document the integration process, and consider security implications. Develop a Protostar middleware in the node server, either incorporating cairo compilation for mummies or directly running Protostar. Collaborate with the StarkNet community for insights and feedback, implement robust error handling, and prioritize thorough testing with automated test cases. Manage the codebase using version control, and consider setting up Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for seamless development and deployment processes. These measures collectively enhance the likelihood of a successful integration.