trias-project / daisie-checklist

🇪🇺 DAISIE - Inventory of alien species in Europe
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Mapping of abundance #4

Closed LienReyserhove closed 5 years ago

LienReyserhove commented 5 years ago

The DwC field occurrenceStatus will be, in certain cases, a combination between the fields abundance and population_status.

In most cases , we can translate abundance to the GBIF controlled vocabulary of occurrenceStatus. This is what I suggest (not al mapping is straightforward):

abundance occurrenceStatus
common common
abundant common
rare rare
local present
single record present
sporadic irregular
unknown doubtful

However, for 30 taxa, population_status contains the field extinct, which is valuable information for occurrenceStatus:

population_status abundance records
Extinct Absent or extinct 9
Extinct Local 6
Extinct Rare 11
Extinct Single record 4
Extinct Unknown 8

I would suggest the following:

population_status abundance occurrenceStatus
Extinct Absent or extinct extinct
Extinct Unknown exinct

For the remaining abundance data (21 records in total) we could split the data (this is the same approach as in the manual of alien plants):

population_status abundance occurrenceStatus eventDate
Extinct local present start_year/end_year
Extinct rare rare start_year/end_year
Extinct single record present start_year/end_year
Extinct local extinct end_year/now
Extinct rare extinct end_year/now
Extinct single record extinct end_year/now

However, as it only concerns 21 records, I would keep it simple, and just map the abundance categories to extinct

LienReyserhove commented 5 years ago

See also this issue

LienReyserhove commented 5 years ago

After as short discussion with @DavidRoy, we decided to keep the mapping of the extinct species very simple, as it concerns only 21 records here. This is how these 21 records will be mapped:

population_status abundance occurrenceStatus
extinct local extinct
extinct rare extinct
extinct single record extinct