trias-project / unified-checklist

πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium
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How to add more WRIMS distributions #37

Closed peterdesmet closed 5 years ago

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

WRIMS distributions need a combination of:

"country": "BE",
"status": "PRESENT"
"establishmentMeans": "INTRODUCED",

... to be selected. Ideally they have temporal information:

"temporal": "2000",

I notice many distributions only have part of the information: e.g. year, but not status. Search for example for "BE" in there are 8 distributions for Belgium, but none have all 3 properties and year.

I wonder if we should drop the status field in our selection.

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

Dropping filter on status present adds 2592 -> 2638 = 46 new taxa overall

qgroom commented 5 years ago

Or perhaps NOT ABSENT would be more future proof.

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

Brilliant!! Requires an update of the gbif_has_distribution() function, so cannot test right away. Would you also exclude distributions that are defined as DOUBTFUL?

qgroom commented 5 years ago

Yes, ignore DOUBTFUL

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

Implemented in #39. It's an improvement overall, the only negative effect is that two distributions now lost their years (they had it in RINSE pathways, but not in WRIMS and WRIMS takes precedence).

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

From, these are the values WRIMS has for:


WRiMS value interpretation by GBIF in unified
Absent ABSENT excluded by filter πŸ‘
Detected in invasion pathway - included πŸ‘
Detected in the wild - included πŸ‘
doubtful DOUBTFUL excluded by filter πŸ‘
Eradicated - should be excluded πŸ‘Ž, but no records for Belgium πŸ‘
Established - included πŸ‘
Established and expanding - included πŸ‘
Established and stable - included πŸ‘
excluded EXCLUDED excluded by filter πŸ‘
In captivity/cultivated - Β included πŸ‘
Not specified - ( DOUBTFUL) should be excluded πŸ‘Ž, but no records for Belgium πŸ‘
present PRESENT included πŸ‘
Recorded in error - ( DOUBTFUL) should be excluded πŸ‘Ž, but no records for Belgium πŸ‘
Reported EXCLUDED ( PRESENT) excluded by filter πŸ‘Ž
Sometimes present - included πŸ‘
Uncertain - ( DOUBTFUL) should be excluded πŸ‘Ž


WRIMS value GBIF interpretation in unified
Origin unknown Β UNCERTAIN not included πŸ‘
Origin uncertain UNCERTAIN not included πŸ‘
Alien INTRODUCED Β included πŸ‘
Native Β NATIVE not included πŸ‘
Native Endemic - ( ENDEMIC) not included πŸ‘
Native Non-endemic - ( NATIVE) not included πŸ‘
peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

So most of it good, but will report the bold ones to GBIF for better mapping.

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

@qgroom, are there any other values in that you would map to GBIF vocab (those with a - in column 2)? E.g.:

Eradicated -> ABSENT ?
Established -> ??

If so, I will report them to GBIF

qgroom commented 5 years ago

I'm not total clear on the question, but here is my response anyway...

detected in wild -> PRESENT Established -> PRESENT Established and expanding -> PRESENT Established and stable -> PRESENT

Sometimes present -> IRREGULAR

In captivity/cultivated -> dwc:degreeOfEstablishment category B

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago is now resolved, so taxa that are "reported" are now longer excluded. Will rerun pipeline.

@qgroom, your suggestions seem ok, but less important to report to GBIF as they don't effect the pipeline.

peterdesmet commented 5 years ago

Done in 4 taxa added