trias-project / unified-checklist

🇧🇪 Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium
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Missing prefix "cbd_2014_pathway:" in pathway info of two datasets #69

Closed damianooldoni closed 2 weeks ago

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

I found that the pathway info linked to types "introduction pathway" (Checklist of alien herpetofauna of Belgium) and "pathway of introduction" (Checklist of alien species in the Scheldt estuary in Flanders, Belgium) discussed in #68 is not standardized as it doesn't start with the typical cbd_2014_pathway: prefix. @peterdesmet: I suppose this should be improved at checklist level as for #68, right?

Here a table of the values I found in description:

suspect_type_pathways <- c(
  "introduction pathway",
  "pathway of introduction"

description %>% 
  filter(type %in% suspect_type_pathways) %>% 
  distinct(type, description) %>%
  arrange(type, description)
# A tibble: 19 x 2
   type                    description                  
   <chr>                   <chr>                        
 1 introduction pathway    contaminant                  
 2 introduction pathway    contaminant_timber           
 3 introduction pathway    escape_pet                   
 4 introduction pathway    escape_research              
 5 introduction pathway    nursery                      
 6 introduction pathway    release_conservation         
 7 introduction pathway    release_landscape_improvement
 8 introduction pathway    release_other                
 9 introduction pathway    stowaway_container           
10 introduction pathway    stowaway_other               
11 pathway of introduction contaminant_plant            
12 pathway of introduction corridor_water               
13 pathway of introduction escape_aquaculture           
14 pathway of introduction escape_pet                   
15 pathway of introduction release_fishery              
16 pathway of introduction stowaway                     
17 pathway of introduction stowaway_ballast_water       
18 pathway of introduction stowaway_hull_fouling        
19 pathway of introduction stowaway_ship                
peterdesmet commented 2 years ago

Ideally this is fixed at the checklist level, yes. ping @LienReyserhove. If needed urgently, I suggest to process this on your side, rather than we bake it in the unified processing...

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

On short term, I agree with you, I will write a patch in the preprocessing workflow for indicators. Of course, this should be solved at checklist level to maintain the high level of standardization, typical of the unified checklist.

LienReyserhove commented 2 years ago

Done for alien scheldt checklist (see this PR), will do soon for herpetofauna

LienReyserhove commented 2 years ago

Done for herpetofauna, see

sannegovaert commented 3 weeks ago

Done for alien scheldt checklist (see this PR), will do soon for herpetofauna

I am reviewing this PR, since it is sill open. I assume this prefix "cbd_2014_pathway:" is not relevant anymore, @damianooldoni ?

LienReyserhove commented 2 weeks ago

correct, this is solved with the new dwc term pathway, this should not be an issue anymore