trick77 / dockerflix

Docker-based SNI proxy for watching U.S. Netflix, Hulu, MTV, Vevo, Crackle, ABC, NBC, PBS...
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How do we add extra services in sniproxy.conf? #10

Closed steveharman closed 8 years ago

steveharman commented 8 years ago


I'm all up & running - great stuff, thanks.

Now I need to add some additional services (, etc) and am a bit new to navigating Docker. It seems we need to edit sniproxy.conf and a bit of digging around finds me several instances of that file preceded by, presumably, Docker IDs? For example:


I've tried editing one of those .confs, adding my new sites in the 'table' block, saving & restarting dockerflix, but when I use the python script to generate my Dnsmasq config all I get are the existing DNS entries which came with the default install.

Any help would be much appreciated. A Python script that added new services & rebooted docker would be super-cool! "python ./ --servicename" ? :-)



steveharman commented 8 years ago

OK so I've found the /config directory in /dockerflix.

Thought I'd cracked it by editing /dockerflix/config/us-dockerflix-sniproxy.conf - add in my new domains, stop the existing dockerflix container, re-run the dockerflix build script, start the new container, run ./ --remoteip [my IP] and.... No luck, I'm still stuck with the same domains in the default dockerflix install despite us-dockerflix-sniproxy.conf containing an updated list of services.

Now I really am out of ideas - how do we add new services? The dockerflix Readme says 't's now so much easier to add support for a service' - but it's got me beaten.



trick77 commented 8 years ago

Your editing workflow doesn't sound wrong to me but I can't say where it goes wrong. I just added support for NBC Sports video clips. Since I don't have a subscription I can't tell if live content works as well but at least the video clips are playing just fine.

steveharman commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'm still not having a lot of luck. Running my NBC Sports Live Extra client software (Kodi) through a local proxy for investigation purposes I get the following hosts requested when attempting to open & stream:

address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/hdliveextra­{IP} address=/tvegolf­{IP} address=/hdliveextra­{IP} address=/{IP} address=/sprtvod3­{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP} address=/{IP}

Although I still can't get streams to playback, even with a valid subscription which I can get streaming OK through a commercial dns proxy.

Happy to test anything out with my subscription if it helps?

Thanks again,


GhostlyCrowd commented 8 years ago

The only way i have been able to add stuff and get it working, is to edit the config in the docker build folder. then run "docker stop dockerflix ; docker rm dockerflix ; ./ && docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --restart=always --name dockerflix trick77/dockerflix" to rebuild the whole thing. then it configs the sites I've added in the /dockerflix/config/ directory

random-robbie commented 8 years ago

alter the bottom of the table to

table {
    .* *

this proxys any request and seeing as all domains are in the dnsmasq file it should proxy any that point to the IP of the sniproxy.

steveharman commented 8 years ago

That's a great tip, thanks.

For testing purposes is there a similar wildcard method for dnsmasq? So I could have dnsmasq send EVERY request on my LAN to the sniporxy which would be configured to proxy everything ( ^^ ). Then if I get things working I can start fine-tuning precisely what I need and only proxy that.

Thanks again.

random-robbie commented 8 years ago

there isnt unfortunately.

you could install squid proxy and test it to confirm the ip of your VPS is fine.

is a config file to use port 9961 and be fully anon.

if your links dont work when you use this then there aint much you can do about it.