trick77 / dockerflix

Docker-based SNI proxy for watching U.S. Netflix, Hulu, MTV, Vevo, Crackle, ABC, NBC, PBS...
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Dockerflix works, but Netflix still recognizes, that I am using a proxy #32

Closed g0r3 closed 8 years ago

g0r3 commented 8 years ago


after being scared away from unblock-us a few weeks ago, because Netflix decided to block it, I've decided to help myself and setup a server for myself, hoping, that Netflix doesn't block me, if I use a solution, that isn't used by everyone else. I decided to set up my own smart dns server, found dockerflix, rented a server from Virmach ( and set it up for dockerflix.

For now it seems to work, at least, if I try it with with the suggested page But unfortunately it still is being recoginzed by Netflix. Any suggestions, what might be wrong? Maybe virmach is also blocked by Netflix? Can you suggest another hoster?


trick77 commented 8 years ago

It's easy for Netflix to detect VPN usage, hopping VPN providers is not the solution. Unless you're using residendial IP addresses you can't beat them in this cat and mouse game.

g0r3 commented 8 years ago

So you are saying, that Dockerflix doesn't work for the moment?

trick77 commented 8 years ago

Dude, it's not a Dockerflix problem. It's a NETFLIX Problem.

g0r3 commented 8 years ago

That was not my question. My question was, if I can get Netflix US with Dockerflix right now.

trick77 commented 8 years ago

You can, if you're using one of the providers that have not been blacklisted by Netflix.

g0r3 commented 8 years ago

Can you name me one of these? That would be awesome

trick77 commented 8 years ago

Yeah right, in a public place like this.

g0r3 commented 8 years ago

Would you mail it to me, if I give you an email address?