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Python Script #5

Closed RobinGhost closed 8 years ago

RobinGhost commented 9 years ago

I am have some serious problems trying to install python on my Atheros based dd-wrt router, do you by any chance have a work around for you python script. I have spent days trying to install python on my router.

Your effort is much appreciated ;)


ghost commented 9 years ago

I can't help you with dd-wrt routers since I don't have one of those.

Are you trying to generate the dnsmasq config inside the router (are you trying to execute inside the router?)

RobinGhost commented 9 years ago

Yes I am trying to generate inside the router

ghost commented 9 years ago

You need to generate the config outside the router. Quoting from

Generate a Dnsmasq configuration using: python ./ --remoteip <PUBLIC_IP_OF_YOUR_VPS_SERVER>

This configuration has to be used in your home router (if it runs Dnsmasq for DNS resolution) or a Linux-based computer like the Raspberry Pi

Install python on your system and then execute which will generate a config file for dnsmasq. If dnsmasq is available on your router supply it the config file. Otherwise you need to install dnsmasq on a Linux machine in your LAN.

RobinGhost commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your advice, when trick77 quoted 'This configuration has to be used in your home router' I assumed I had to install python and run the script from within my router, my mistake, but thanks anyway I managed to run the script on my pc.

My dd-wrt router has dnsmasq preinstalled. but does not have a folder etc/dnasmasq.d. I am not exactly sure were I should be pasting the output from the python script.

Sorry I very new to dd-wrt, maybe I should try an alternative firmware

trick77 commented 9 years ago

Please let me know how to rephrase the paragraph to make things clearer. It got a bit short.