tricktreat / DiffusionNER

Code for the paper "DiffusionNER: Boundary Diffusion for Named Entity Recognition", accepted at ACL 2023.
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how to input text and display the results by DiffusionNER Model? #15

Open StanleySun233 opened 8 months ago

StanleySun233 commented 8 months ago

After the model training is completed, how to input text and display the results? Where do I need to modify the code to implement this functionality?

xiaoli commented 6 months ago

Let's examine lines 23-26 in Then, we can delve into the file, specifically lines 214 and beyond, and starting at line 159. The variable pred_entities contains the predicted results, which I believe is what you're looking for.

houyuchao commented 5 months ago

Let's examine lines 23-26 in Then, we can delve into the file, specifically lines 214 and beyond, and starting at line 159. The variable pred_entities contains the predicted results, which I believe is what you're looking for.

您遇到过这样的问题吗,这是为什么 image

xiaoli commented 5 months ago

@houyuchao 这个问题,我没遇到过。
