tridecco / game-client-web

Tridecco Game Client is a frontend application designed to support Tridecco games. It provides user interface rendering, user interaction handling, dynamic content loading, and communication with the backend server.
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Implement Game View and Rendering Layer #18

Closed TKanX closed 1 week ago

TKanX commented 1 month ago


Develop the game view and rendering layer using the HTML5 Canvas API to provide a visually appealing and interactive user interface for the game. This layer will handle rendering the game board, pieces, and other visual elements, as well as managing user interactions within the game.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Added GameRenderer class and integrate canvas element

Note: Further implementation is needed to render the actual game elements on the canvas.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Optimized game canvas rendering for square aspect ratio and centering

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Updated GameRenderer constructor and Game class

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Resized game canvas to match container dimensions

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Resolved canvas width and height being set to 0

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Refactored GameRenderer to use drawBackgroundImage method

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Adjusted canvas size dynamically on window resize

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Improved rendering performance and structure

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Added methods to draw and clear pieces in Game Renderer

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Corrected variable name from 'acaleX' to 'scaleX' and 'acaleY' to 'scaleY'

Corrected the misspelled variables 'acaleX' and 'acaleY' to 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' respectively. This change ensures proper scaling calculations in the game renderer when converting board coordinates to canvas pixel coordinates.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Implemented click event handling piece selection for Game Renderer

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Load tile images and handle click events in GameRenderer

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Implemented piece restoration after canvas resize

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Optimized resize handling to prevent excessive calculations

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Corrected click position detection by adding canvas rotation

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Updated drawPiece method to handle flipped tile images

The drawPiece method in the GameRenderer class has been updated to handle flipped tile images. This ensures that the correct image is used based on the flipped property of the tile.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Added default map configuration for game board rendering

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago



tedhyu commented 3 weeks ago

that looks amazing! Is there any plans that once a gem forms to change the image to the hexagon image?

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

that looks amazing! Is there any plans that once a gem forms to change the image to the hexagon image?

Hi Dr. Yu,

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, the image you saw was just from a randomly generated rendering test, which served as a unit test. Integrating this with the network layer is still in progress, and I'm planning to refactor the server-side network layer as well. The idea of changing the image to a hexagon once a gem forms is also in the plan. Appreciate your suggestion!


TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Updated _initRenderer method to asynchronously load default map and configuration

tedhyu commented 3 weeks ago

Wow. Thanks for the demo. It looks great.

tedhyu commented 3 weeks ago

Also, keep in mind that if you are interested, you can add advertising to the page and keep the earnings. You should be rewarded for your hard work. We can think about it later when the game gets up and running smoothly.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Corrected event handling in _handleClick by properly clearing the testing canvas

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Also, keep in mind that if you are interested, you can add advertising to the page and keep the earnings. You should be rewarded for your hard work. We can think about it later when the game gets up and running smoothly.

Hi Dr. Yu, Thank you for the suggestion! I'm really doing this out of passion, and seeing the project succeed is the biggest reward for me.


TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Optimized testing canvas performance for frequent image data reads

Added the willReadFrequently option to the canvas context to enhance performance for frequent getImageData operations. This change helps reduce memory overhead and improve the speed of pixel data access, particularly useful in scenarios involving intensive image processing or frequent canvas updates.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Optimized canvas rendering and improve resize handling

This commit refactors the GameRenderer class to optimize canvas rendering and improve resize handling. The changes include:

These optimizations enhance the performance and user experience of the game rendering, resulting in smoother gameplay and faster display updates.

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Added method to highlight available positions on the board in GameRenderer

TKanX commented 3 weeks ago

Updated GameRenderer to use flipped tile image for black tiles

The code changes in public/js/game.js modify the GameRenderer class to use the flipped tile image for black tiles. This ensures that the correct image is displayed based on the flipped property of the tile. This improvement enhances the visual representation of the game board and provides a more accurate rendering of the tiles.

TKanX commented 2 weeks ago

Render available positions during player's turn

Added functionality to display available positions when the player's turn begins. The renderer.showAvailablePositions method is called when the game:turn event is triggered for the current player with a normal turn type, and renderer.hideAvailablePositions is invoked when the turn ends. This enhances the UI by visually indicating valid move locations.

TKanX commented 2 weeks ago

Added network listener for game:toss event

Added a network listener for the "game:toss" event to handle the tossing of a game piece. The listener retrieves the player ID, piece index, and position from the event data and uses them to draw the corresponding piece on the game board. This enhances the visual representation of the game and improves the overall gameplay experience.

TKanX commented 2 weeks ago

Added toss button functionality to Game

TKanX commented 2 weeks ago

Restore available positions after resizing the canvas

TKanX commented 1 week ago

Handle piece placement and hexagon formation

TKanX commented 1 week ago

Clear pieces on non-first rounds in game round event listener

TKanX commented 1 week ago

Resolved issue with piece cache not clearing after round ends, refactor GameRenderer

TKanX commented 1 week ago

Clean up renderer resources after game ends