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Request failed for 'tcli ml set help' and 'tcli ml get help' commands #82

Open mboggess opened 7 years ago

mboggess commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to set the 'descr' attribute of mailing lists, and I get this output when trying to use both 'tcli ml set help' and 'tcli ml get help': $ tcli ml set help --> Request Failed: Get http://localhost:8333/api/ml/set/help: EOF $ tcli ml get help --> Request Failed: Get http://localhost:8333/api/ml/set/help: EOF

I tried just guess the syntax, and it looks like it works: $ tcli ml set descr main demo 'Demo and Fun' Updated descr $ tcli ml get descr main demo Demo and Fun $ tcli ml list main admin TG Administration demo Demo and Fun general General Discussion vetting Vetting and Vouching

So, I just can't see what all the attributes are that can be 'set' and 'get' or what the syntax is for setting and getting those attributes.

massar commented 7 years ago

EOF indicates that the server side aborted on it and then did not reply a answer at all. syslog will show better what happened there.

But I'll check what goes wrong there, as that should work indeed. Thanks for reporting.

The fields that should be there including the details are:

        ListName     string `label:"List Name" pfset:"nobody" pfget:"user" pfcol:"lhs" hint:"Name of this Mailing List"`
        GroupName    string `label:"Group Name" pfset:"nobody" pfget:"user" pfcol:"trustgroup" hint:"Group this list belongs to"`
        Descr        string `label:"Description" pfset:"group_admin" hint:"Description of this list"`
        Members_only bool   `label:"Members Only" pfset:"group_admin" hint:"Only list members can post to this list"`
        Can_add_self bool   `label:"Can Add Self" pfset:"group_admin" hint:"Can members of the group subscribe themselves to the list?"`
        Automatic    bool   `label:"Automatic" pfset:"group_admin" hint:"If new group members are automatically added to the list"`
        Always_crypt bool   `label:"Always Encrypt" pfset:"group_admin" hint:"Always require messages to be PGP encrypted"`
        Pubkey       string `label:"Public PGP Key" pfset:"nobody" pfget:"user" pfcol:"pubkey"`
        Seckey       string `label:"Secret PGP Key" pfset:"nobody" pfget:"nobody" pfcol:"seckey" pfskipfailperm:"yes"`

These should also be visible in the configuration/settings tab of the mailinglist Web interface.

mboggess commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I don't know that we've gotten syslog set up properly, so right now I don't have log output. Let me know if you can't reproduce, and I'll try to get syslog output.

bapril commented 6 years ago

Confirmed still an issue in 1.4.6