trifectatechfoundation / sudo-rs

A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.
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Add mitigating measures against rowhammer attacks. #763

Closed squell closed 12 months ago

squell commented 1 year ago

This pre-print describes some use of rowhammer attacks against sudo: The mitigations listed in the section feel a bit "only half a solution", since opcode flipping is still a risk; and opinions among security researchers I consulted is that there is only so much you can do in software to protect against this.

Still, some low-hanging fruit which is easily done in Rust is to use arbitrary enum discriminants; e.g. we could not just protect the "is this user authentication bit", but the entire AST of the sudoers parser.

original sudo has recently added similar mitigations, see:

(hat-tip to Todd Miller for sharing)