trifectatechfoundation / sudo-rs

A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.
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Garbadge output #783

Closed vit1251 closed 11 months ago

vit1251 commented 11 months ago
/etc/sudoers:78:9: expected parameter
Defaults:WHEEL_USERS !env_reset
/etc/sudoers:82:9: expected parameter

How to enable support Defaults?

squell commented 11 months ago

Thanks for requesting this feature.

As mentioned in the README:

Per-user, per-command, per-host Defaults sudoers entries for finer-grained control are not (yet) supported.

I.e., currently there is no work-around (except removing the :WHEEL_USERS parts, but that is perhaps not what you want), but this is something on the "to do" list when work starts on Milestone 4.

The implementation of this is tracked by issue #61.