trigaten / Learn_Prompting

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Is it useful to discuss "Standard prompts"? #1043

Open trigaten opened 1 year ago

trigaten commented 1 year ago

I removed this information, since it didn't seem particularly useful:

## A "Standard" Prompt

We have heard of a few different formats of prompts thus far. Now, we will quickly jump back to the beginning and define a "standard" prompt. Following Kojima et al. (@kojima2022large), we will refer to prompts that consist 
solely of a question as "standard" prompts. We also consider prompts that consist solely of
a question that are in the QA format to be "standard" prompts.

#### Why should I care?

Many articles/papers that we reference use this term. We are defining it so we can discuss 
new types of prompts in contrast to standard prompts. 

### Two examples of standard prompts:

_Standard Prompt_
What is the capital of France?

_Standard Prompt in QA format_
Q: What is the capital of France?


## Few-Shot Standard Prompts

Few-shot standard prompts(@liu2021pretrain) are just standard prompts that have _exemplars_
in them. Exemplars are examples of the task that the prompt is trying to solve, 
which are included in the prompt itself (@brown2020language). In research, few-shot standard prompts 
are sometimes referred to simply as standard prompts (though we attempt not to do so in this guide).

### Two examples of few-shot standard prompts:

_Few-Shot Standard Prompt_

What is the capital of Spain?
What is the capital of Italy?
What is the capital of France?

_Few-Shot Standard Prompt in QA format_
Q: What is the capital of Spain?
A: Madrid
Q: What is the capital of Italy?
A: Rome
Q: What is the capital of France?