trigg / Discover

Yet another discord overlay for linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Flathub package is currently crashing on Plasma Wayland #319

Open dev-rfc opened 6 months ago

dev-rfc commented 6 months ago

Just open the application:

[rfc@rfc-desktop ~]$ flatpak run io.github.trigg.discover_overlay 
INFO - discover_overlay.discover_overlay - Starting Discover Overlay: 0.6.7

** (discover-overlay:2): WARNING **: 21:49:32.480: gtk-layer-shell v0.7.0 may not work on GTK v3.24.39. If you experience crashes, check
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: /home/rfc/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/discover-overlay-default.png
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/discover-overlay-default.png
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: /home/rfc/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/discover-overlay-default.png
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/discover-overlay-default.png
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - ID is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Logged in as rfc.

And then, after a few seconds, the application closes itself.

Flatpak 1.15.6

Also, probably known issue, but there is no tray icon as well.

trigg commented 6 months ago

Nothing in the log suggests it crashed, the layer shell warning is expected at this point.

I'll do some tests later today but for completeness sake, what OS are you using?

Also, probably known issue, but there is no tray icon as well.

Aye, that one is known and I wish I could do more about it.

dev-rfc commented 6 months ago

Nothing in the log suggests it crashed, the layer shell warning is expected at this point.

Hmm I see.. that's really odd. Is there anything I could do from my end to help figuring out the issue?

I'll do some tests later today but for completeness sake, what OS are you using?

I'm using Arch Linux, all updated.

The AUR package doesn't crash btw, just Flatpak. But there is no tray icon there as well.

trigg commented 5 months ago

A newer flatpak has been released since this issue, can you confirm or deny this still happens on version 0.7.0?

But there is no tray icon there as well.

Unfortunately I have no way to get tray icons in flatpak version right now. I'm tracking it here, but it is beyond my understanding of flatpak

dev-rfc commented 4 months ago

Sorry for the delay. I wasn't able to test it since then.

I reinstalled the package on Flatpak, because I was using the one from Aur, but welp, it still crashes.

Works for a few seconds and then closes, without leaving any crash message or anything.

trigg commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the follow up, I'll have to find a way to reproduce this

ong-andrew commented 4 months ago

Facing the same problem. Might be due to a Discord update?

$ discover-overlay
INFO - discover_overlay.discover_overlay - Starting Discover Overlay: 0.7.0
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Connecting...
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Scheduled a reconnect
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
ERROR - discover_overlay.image_getter - File not found: 
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Connecting...
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Scheduled a reconnect
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Connecting...
INFO - discover_overlay.discord_connector - Scheduled a reconnect
trigg commented 4 months ago

I've tried with plasma, using flatpak discover-overlay with both flatpak and arch packaged discord and I've been unable to reproduce this as of yet.

jonstump commented 3 months ago

I'm also seeing a similar issue, but it only seems to happen with the configuration app. I'm on Linux Mint and it is a fresh install using Cinammon as my DE. This is not the first time recently I've run into odd issues with flatpaks. Is it possible that there might be a larger issue at play with flatpaks and fresh linux installs? Just a thought looking at both threads. The other app I ran into an issue with for the sake of reference is supersonic. Original ticket here.

me@local:~$ flatpak run io.github.trigg.discover_overlay -c
Gtk-Message: 20:17:27.734: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
INFO - discover_overlay.discover_overlay - Starting Discover Overlay: 0.7.3
ERROR - discover_overlay.settings_window - No icon found in theme
INFO - discover_overlay.autostart - Autostart info : desktop None auto None
INFO - discover_overlay.autostart - Autostart info : desktop None auto None
INFO - discover_overlay.settings_window - Falling back to Systray : Namespace AppIndicator3 not available
ERROR - discover_overlay.discover_overlay - 'voice_anchor_to_edge_button'
ERROR - discover_overlay.discover_overlay - Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discover_overlay/", line 534, in entrypoint
    settings = MainSettingsWindow(
  File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discover_overlay/", line 171, in __init__
  File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discover_overlay/", line 683, in read_config
KeyError: 'voice_anchor_to_edge_button'

EDIT: To clear up confusion I'm not sure if this and supersonics isues are the same, but I saw two flatpak issues at the same time and figured I'd share in case it helps either of these apps out. Apologies if it caused any confusion. Also to be clear I do have other flatpaks working, it is just these two that are being odd. :+1: