trilbymedia / grav-plugin-flex-objects

Powerful and supremely flexible object support for Grav
MIT License
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Extend the flex-objects.yaml #159

Closed evidence-sharenet closed 2 years ago

evidence-sharenet commented 2 years ago

Good Day,

I have got a question. I'm new to Grav.

I want to know about how I can extend the flex-objects.yaml so that I can be able to show my own custom flex directories.

Shown below is the flex-objects.yaml file

enabled: true

built_in_css: true
extra_admin_twig_path: 'theme://admin/templates'
  per_page: 15
    by: updated_timestamp
    dir: desc

  - 'blueprints://flex-objects/pages.yaml'
  - 'blueprints://flex-objects/user-accounts.yaml'
  - 'blueprints://flex-objects/user-groups.yaml'

So if I want to add my own flex-object called records, how would I go about doing that? (records.yaml file sitting in themes/[custom-theme]/blueprints/flex-objects/records.yaml)