trilinos / Trilinos

Primary repository for the Trilinos Project
1.19k stars 565 forks source link

trilinos without fortran compiler? #375

Closed BarrySmith closed 4 years ago

BarrySmith commented 8 years ago

It appears that trilinos will not cmake properly without a fortran compiler but it is not clear that the core components of trilinos require a fortran compiler. So is this a bug or the intended functionality?

"cd /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/build && /usr/local/bin/cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicc" -DCMAKE_AR=/usr/bin/ar -DCMAKE_RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="-Qunused-arguments -g3" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicxx" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="-g -std=c++11" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on -DUSE_XSDK_DEFAULTS=YES -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DTrilinos_ENABLE_DEBUG=YES -DTrilinos_ENABLE_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION=ON -DTrilinos_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=ON -DTrilinos_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/lib -Wl,-rpath,/Applications/ -L/Applications/ -lclang_rt.osx -lmpicxx -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,/Applications/ -L/Applications/ -lclang_rt.osx -Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/lib -ldl -lmpi -lpmpi -lSystem -Wl,-rpath,/Applications/ -L/Applications/ -lclang_rt.osx -ldl " -DTeuchos_ENABLE_FLOAT=OFF -DTeuchos_ENABLE_COMPLEX=OFF -DTpetra_INST_FLOAT=OFF -DTpetra_INST_COMPLEX_FLOAT=OFF -DTpetra_INST_COMPLEX_DOUBLE=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR:STRING="/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib" -DTPL_ENABLE_TPL_Boost:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_TPL_BoostLib:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Pike=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON -DTPL_ENABLE_Matio=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_GLM=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_X11=OFF -DTrilinos_ENABLE_FEI=OFF -DTrilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF -DTPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES="-llapack -lblas" -DTPL_LAPACK_LIBRARIES="-llapack -lblas" -DTrilinos_ASSERT_MISSING_PACKAGES=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_TPL_SuperLU:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_TPL_SuperLUDist:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_HYPRE:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_TPL_PARDISO_MKL:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_METIS:BOOL=ON -DTPL_METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS="/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include" -DTPL_METIS_LIBRARIES="-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lmetis" -DTPL_ENABLE_ParMETIS:BOOL=ON -DTPL_ParMETIS_INCLUDE_DIRS="/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include" -DTPL_ParMETIS_LIBRARIES="-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lparmetis" -DTPL_ENABLE_Scotch:BOOL=OFF -DTPL_ENABLE_HDF5:BOOL=ON -DTPL_HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS="/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include" -DTPL_HDF5_LIBRARIES="-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5" -DTPL_ENABLE_Netcdf:BOOL=ON -DTPL_Netcdf_INCLUDE_DIRS="/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include" -DTPL_Netcdf_LIBRARIES="-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5" -DTPL_ENABLE_ExodusII:BOOL=OFF -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF":
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python2.7 (Required is at least version "2.6") 
-- Python version 2.7.10
-- Leaving current CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicc since it is already set!
-- Leaving current CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicxx since it is already set!
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check for working C compiler: /Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicc
-- Check for working C compiler: /Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicxx
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Users/barrysmith/PetscLibraries/bin/mpicxx -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Looking for C++ include sys/time.h
-- Looking for C++ include sys/time.h - found
-- Looking for C++ include time.h
-- Looking for C++ include time.h - found
-- Looking for C++ include stdint.h
-- Looking for C++ include stdint.h - found
-- Looking for C++ include inttypes.h
-- Looking for C++ include inttypes.h - found
-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl (found version "5.18.2") 
-- Performing Test CXX11_FLAGS_COMPILE_RESULT_0
-- Performing Test CXX11_FLAGS_COMPILE_RESULT_0 - Success
-- Performing Test CXX11_AUTOTYPEDVARIABLES - Success
-- Performing Test CXX11_LAMBDAS
-- Performing Test CXX11_LAMBDAS - Success
-- Performing Test MATH_LIBRARY_IS_SUPPLIED - Success
-- Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_GLOBAL_ISNAN - Success
-- Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_STD_ISNAN - Success
-- Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_GLOBAL_ISINF - Success
-- Performing Test FINITE_VALUE_HAVE_STD_ISINF - Success
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Performing Test HAVE_GCC_ABI_DEMANGLE
-- Performing Test HAVE_GCC_ABI_DEMANGLE - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_TEUCHOS_BLASFLOAT - Failed
-- Performing Test LAPACK_SLAPY2_WORKS
-- Performing Test LAPACK_SLAPY2_WORKS - Failed
-- Performing Test LAPACK_SLAPY2_WITH_DOUBLE_WORKS - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_TEUCHOS_LAPACKLARND - Failed
-- C++ compiler supports __attribute__((constructor)) syntax
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_ATTRIBUTE_WEAK - Failed
-- C++ compiler does NOT support __attribute__((weak)) syntax and testing weak functions
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_PRAGMA_WEAK
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX_PRAGMA_WEAK - Failed
-- C++ compiler does NOT support #pragma weak syntax and testing weak functions
-- Performing Test HAS_C99_TR1_CMATH
-- Performing Test HAS_C99_TR1_CMATH - Success
-- NOTE: Kokkos::Threads is ON (the CMake option Kokkos_ENABLE_Pthread is ON), but the corresponding Tpetra Node type is disabled.  Note that unlike with other Kokkos execution spaces, Tpetra disables Kokkos::Threads by default, as long as some other Kokkos execution space is enabled.  If you want to enable instantiation and use of Kokkos::Threads in Tpetra, please also set the CMake option Tpetra_INST_PTHREAD:BOOL=ON.  If you use the Kokkos::Threads version of Tpetra without doing this, you will get link errors!  We do NOT recommend using Kokkos::Threads if Kokkos::OpenMP is enabled.
-- Tpetra execution space availability (ON means available): 
--   - Serial:  ON
--   - Threads: OFF
--   - OpenMP:  OFF
--   - Cuda:    OFF
-- Setting default Node to Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode.
-- Not enabling Tpetra/RTI
-- Looking for sys/resource.h
-- Looking for sys/resource.h - found
-- Enable Kokkos support: ON
-- Execution Space: SERIAL
-- Index Size Type: UINT
-- Build MDField support for Intrepid: ON
-- MueLu ETI support enabled
-- <float,   int, int>       : OFF
-- <double,  int, int>       : ON
-- <double,  int, long>      : OFF
-- <double,  int, long long> : ON
-- <complex, int, int>       : OFF
-- HAVE_MUELU_CUDA         : OFF
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- Looking for C++ include immintrin.h
-- Looking for C++ include immintrin.h - found
-- Ifpack2: Processing ETI / test support
-- Enabled Scalar types:        double
-- Enabled LocalOrdinal types:  int
-- Enabled GlobalOrdinal types: int|long long
-- Enabled Node types:          Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode
-- User/Downstream ETI set: 
-- Excluded type combinations: 
-- Set of enabled types, before exclusions: S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long}
-- TpetraCore: Processing ETI / test support
-- Enabled Scalar types:        int|long long|double
-- Enabled LocalOrdinal types:  int
-- Enabled GlobalOrdinal types: int|long long
-- Enabled Node types:          Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode
-- Excluded type combinations: :
-- Set of enabled types, before exclusions: S={int} LO={int} GO={int} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode};S={int} LO={int} GO={long long} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={int} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={int} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={long long} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={long long} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long}
-- TpetraKernels: Processing ETI / test support
-- Enabled Scalar types:       int|long long|double
-- Enabled LocalOrdinal types: int
-- Enabled Device types:       Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>
-- Excluded type combinations: :
-- Set of enabled types, before exclusions: S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={int} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={int} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={long long} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={long long} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={int};S={double} N={Kokkos::Compat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={int} LO={int} D={Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>};S={long long} LO={int} D={Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>};S={double} LO={int} D={Kokkos::Device<Kokkos::Serial, Kokkos::HostSpace>}
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/build
Configuring Trilinos build directory

-- PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos'
-- PROJECT_BINARY_DIR='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/build'
-- Trilinos_TRIBITS_DIR='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/cmake/tribits'
-- CMAKE_VERSION='3.4.1'
-- Trilinos_HOSTNAME='Barrys-MacBook-Pro.local'
-- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE='/usr/local/bin/python2.7'

Setting up major user options ...

*** Warning: Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ForTrilinos=OFF because Trilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF!

--   Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TriKota=OFF because '/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/packages/TriKota/Dakota' does not exit!

Reading list of native packages from /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/PackagesList.cmake

-- Trilinos_NUM_PACKAGES='56'

Reading list of native TPLs from /Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/externalpackages/git.trilinos/TPLsList.cmake

-- Trilinos_NUM_TPLS='91'

Processing Project, Repository, and Package dependency files and building internal dependencies graph ...

-- Trilinos_NUM_SE_PACKAGES='143'
-- Tentatively enabling TPL 'Pthread'

Explicitly enabled packages on input (by user):  Sacado Epetra Zoltan Tpetra Thyra Isorropia AztecOO Zoltan2 Ifpack ML Belos ShyLU Amesos2 SEACAS Anasazi Ifpack2 Stratimikos NOX MueLu Stokhos ROL Piro Panzer TrilinosCouplings Pike 25

Explicitly enabled SE packages on input (by user):  Sacado Epetra Zoltan Tpetra Thyra Isorropia AztecOO Zoltan2 Ifpack ML Belos ShyLU Amesos2 SEACAS Anasazi Ifpack2 Stratimikos NOX MueLu Stokhos ROL Piro Panzer TrilinosCouplings Pike 25

Explicitly disabled packages on input (by user or by default):  Domi Claps Trios FEI TriKota STK NewPackage MeshingGenie 8

Explicitly disabled SE packages on input (by user or by default):  KokkosExample Domi Claps ShyLUTacho ShyLUGTS ShyLUBasker Trioscommsplitter Triossupport Triosnnti Triosnssi Triosprograms Triosexamples Triostests Triosnetcdf-service Trios FEI TriKota STKExp STK NewPackage MeshingGenie 21

Explicitly enabled TPLs on input (by user):  Pthread MPI METIS ParMETIS HDF5 Netcdf 6

Explicitly disabled TPLs on input (by user or by default):  Scotch ExodusII HYPRE Matio X11 GLM 6

Disabling all packages that have a required dependency on disabled TPLs and optional package TPL support based on TPL_ENABLE_<TPL>=OFF ...

-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASSVDI=OFF because SEACASSVDI has a required library dependence on disabled TPL X11
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExo2mat=OFF because SEACASExo2mat has a required library dependence on disabled TPL Matio
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASMat2exo=OFF because SEACASMat2exo has a required library dependence on disabled TPL Matio

Disabling subpackages for hard disables of parent packages due to Trilinos_ENABLE_<PARENT_PACKAGE>=OFF ...

-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKClassic=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKUtil=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKTopology=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKMesh=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKIO=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKUnit_test_utils=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKSearch=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKSearchUtil=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKTransfer=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKUnit_tests=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_STKDoc_tests=OFF because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF

Disabling forward required SE packages and optional intra-package support that have a dependancy on disabled SE packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...

-- Setting ShyLU_ENABLE_ShyLUTacho=OFF because ShyLU has an optional library dependence on disabled package ShyLUTacho
-- Setting ShyLU_ENABLE_ShyLUGTS=OFF because ShyLU has an optional library dependence on disabled package ShyLUGTS
-- Setting ShyLU_ENABLE_ShyLUBasker=OFF because ShyLU has an optional library dependence on disabled package ShyLUBasker
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_ShyLUBasker=OFF because Amesos2 has an optional library dependence on disabled package ShyLUBasker
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASPLT=OFF because SEACASPLT has a required library dependence on disabled package SEACASSVDI
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASSVDI=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASSVDI
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASBlot=OFF because SEACASBlot has a required library dependence on disabled package SEACASPLT
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASFastq=OFF because SEACASFastq has a required library dependence on disabled package SEACASPLT
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASPLT=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASPLT
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASBlot=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASBlot
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASExo2mat=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASExo2mat
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASFastq=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASFastq
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASMat2exo=OFF because SEACAS has an optional library dependence on disabled package SEACASMat2exo
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_TriKota=OFF because Stokhos has an optional library dependence on disabled package TriKota
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_TriKota=OFF because Piro has an optional library dependence on disabled package TriKota
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerAdaptersSTK=OFF because PanzerAdaptersSTK has a required library dependence on disabled package STKClassic
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_STKClassic=OFF because TrilinosCouplings has an optional library dependence on disabled package STKClassic
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_STK=OFF because TrilinosCouplings has an optional library dependence on disabled package STK
-- Setting Panzer_ENABLE_PanzerAdaptersSTK=OFF because Panzer has an optional library dependence on disabled package PanzerAdaptersSTK

Enabling subpackages for hard enables of parent packages due to Trilinos_ENABLE_<PARENT_PACKAGE>=ON ...

-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraClassic=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraTSQR=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraCore=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCore=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLUCore=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExodus=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExodus_for=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASNemesis=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASIoss=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASChaco=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASAprepro_lib=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASSupes=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASSuplib=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASAlgebra=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASAprepro-orig=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASAprepro=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASConjoin=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEjoin=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEpu=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExodiff=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExomatlab=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExotxt=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExo_format=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEx1ex2v2=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASGjoin=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASGen3D=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASGenshell=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASGrepos=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASGrope=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASMapvarlib=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASMapvar=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASMapvar-kd=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASNemslice=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASNemspread=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASNumbers=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASTxtexo=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEx2ex1v2=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerCore=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerDofMgr=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerDiscFE=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_PikeBlackBox=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Pike=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_PikeImplicit=ON because parent package Trilinos_ENABLE_Pike=ON

Enabling all required (and optional since Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON) upstream SE packages for current set of enabled packages ...

-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosCore=ON because PikeImplicit has a required dependence on TeuchosCore
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosComm=ON because PikeImplicit has a required dependence on TeuchosComm
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosParameterList=ON because PikeImplicit has a required dependence on TeuchosParameterList
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on EpetraExt
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on Amesos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on Intrepid
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on Pamgen
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on Teko
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on KokkosCore
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosCompat=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on TeuchosKokkosCompat
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on KokkosContainers
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON because TrilinosCouplings has an optional dependence on TeuchosKokkosComm
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Phalanx=ON because PanzerDiscFE has a required dependence on Phalanx
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON because PanzerDiscFE has a required dependence on Intrepid2
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Shards=ON because PanzerDofMgr has a required dependence on Shards
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON because Piro has a required dependence on Teuchos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON because Piro has an optional dependence on Rythmos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_OptiPack=ON because Piro has an optional dependence on OptiPack
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON because Stokhos has an optional dependence on KokkosAlgorithms
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON because MueLu has a required dependence on Xpetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON because MueLu has an optional dependence on Galeri
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON because Stratimikos has an optional dependence on Triutils
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos=ON because Amesos2 has an optional dependence on Kokkos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_GlobiPack=ON because OptiPack has a required dependence on GlobiPack
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosNumerics=ON because ThyraCore has a required dependence on TeuchosNumerics
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON because ThyraCore has a required dependence on RTOp
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosRemainder=ON because Teuchos has a required dependence on TeuchosRemainder

Enabling all optional intra-package enables <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<DEPPACKAGE> that are not currently disabled if both sets of packages are enabled ...

-- Setting Kokkos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting Kokkos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON
-- Setting TeuchosCore_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosCore=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosCompat=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosCompat=ON
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON
-- Setting Sacado_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting Sacado_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting Sacado_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON
-- Setting Sacado_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting Epetra_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting Shards_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Shards=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting TpetraCore_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraCore=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting TpetraCore_ENABLE_TpetraTSQR=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraCore=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraTSQR=ON
-- Setting Tpetra_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON
-- Setting Tpetra_ENABLE_TpetraTSQR=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraTSQR=ON
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- Setting ThyraTpetraAdapters_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting Xpetra_ENABLE_Thyra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting Isorropia_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting AztecOO_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting Galeri_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Galeri_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Galeri_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON
-- Setting Galeri_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Amesos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Amesos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- Setting Amesos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting Zoltan2_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Zoltan2_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting Zoltan2_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON
-- Setting Ifpack_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting Ifpack_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Ifpack_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting Ifpack_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting ML_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting Belos_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting ShyLUCore_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLUCore=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting ShyLUCore_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLUCore=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON
-- Setting ShyLU_ENABLE_ShyLUCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ShyLUCore=ON
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_Kokkos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos=ON
-- Setting SEACASIoss_ENABLE_SEACASExodus=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASIoss=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASExodus=ON
-- Setting SEACASIoss_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASIoss=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON
-- Setting SEACASIoss_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASIoss=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting SEACASNemslice_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASNemslice=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASAprepro-orig=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASAprepro-orig=ON
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASEx1ex2v2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEx1ex2v2=ON
-- Setting SEACAS_ENABLE_SEACASEx2ex1v2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_SEACASEx2ex1v2=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_ThyraCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCore=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting Anasazi_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- Setting Ifpack2_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Xpetra=ON
-- Setting Ifpack2_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON
-- Setting Ifpack2_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Ifpack2_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Stratimikos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- Setting Teko_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting Teko_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON
-- Setting Teko_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON
-- Setting Teko_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting Intrepid_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON
-- Setting Intrepid2_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON
-- Setting Intrepid2_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Intrepid2_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Intrepid2_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting Intrepid2_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON
-- Setting Phalanx_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Phalanx=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON
-- Setting Phalanx_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Phalanx=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_ThyraCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCore=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Teko=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON
-- Setting NOX_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Teko=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan2=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Thyra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraTpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Galeri=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri=ON
-- Setting MueLu_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Rythmos_ENABLE_NOX=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_NOX=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosAlgorithms=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stratimikos=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting Stokhos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Thyra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Sacado=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Sacado=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Shards=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Shards=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting ROL_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos2=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_NOX=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Rythmos=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_OptiPack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_OptiPack=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_ROL=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ROL=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack2=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_MueLu=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraAdapters=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExtAdapters=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Piro_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Piro=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting Panzer_ENABLE_PanzerDofMgr=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerDofMgr=ON
-- Setting Panzer_ENABLE_PanzerDiscFE=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Panzer=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_PanzerDiscFE=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Amesos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Belos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_ML=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ML=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_NOX=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Stokhos=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Pamgen=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Teko=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teko=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TpetraKernels=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_MueLu=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_MueLu=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosCore=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosCompat=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosCompat=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_KokkosContainers=ON
-- Setting TrilinosCouplings_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosCouplings=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_TeuchosKokkosComm=ON
-- Setting Pike_ENABLE_PikeBlackBox=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Pike=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_PikeBlackBox=ON
-- Setting Pike_ENABLE_PikeImplicit=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Pike=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_PikeImplicit=ON

Enabling all remaining required TPLs for current set of enabled packages ...

-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON because it is required by the enabled package TeuchosNumerics
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON because it is required by the enabled package TeuchosNumerics

Enabling all optional package TPL support for currently enabled TPLs ...

-- Setting KokkosCore_ENABLE_Pthread=ON since TPL_ENABLE_Pthread=ON
-- Setting KokkosContainers_ENABLE_Pthread=ON since TPL_ENABLE_Pthread=ON
-- Setting KokkosAlgorithms_ENABLE_Pthread=ON since TPL_ENABLE_Pthread=ON
-- Setting TeuchosCore_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting TeuchosKokkosCompat_ENABLE_Pthread=ON since TPL_ENABLE_Pthread=ON
-- Setting TeuchosKokkosComm_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting Epetra_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting Zoltan_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting TpetraCore_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_HDF5=ON since TPL_ENABLE_HDF5=ON
-- Setting Zoltan2_ENABLE_ParMETIS=ON since TPL_ENABLE_ParMETIS=ON
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_MPI=ON since TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
-- Setting Amesos2_ENABLE_ParMETIS=ON since TPL_ENABLE_ParMETIS=ON

Enabling TPLs based on <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<TPL>=ON if TPL is not explicitly disabled ...

Set cache entries for optional packages/TPLs and tests/examples for packages actually enabled ...

Enabling all parent packages that have at least one subpackage enabled ...

Final set of enabled packages:  Kokkos Teuchos RTOp Sacado Epetra Zoltan Shards GlobiPack Triutils Tpetra EpetraExt Thyra Xpetra OptiPack Isorropia AztecOO Galeri Amesos Pamgen Zoltan2 Ifpack ML Belos ShyLU Amesos2 SEACAS Anasazi Ifpack2 Stratimikos Teko Intrepid Intrepid2 Phalanx NOX MueLu Rythmos Stokhos ROL Piro Panzer TrilinosCouplings Pike 42

Final set of enabled SE packages:  KokkosCore KokkosContainers KokkosAlgorithms Kokkos TeuchosCore TeuchosParameterList TeuchosComm TeuchosNumerics TeuchosRemainder TeuchosKokkosCompat TeuchosKokkosComm Teuchos RTOp Sacado Epetra Zoltan Shards GlobiPack Triutils TpetraClassic TpetraKernels TpetraTSQR TpetraCore Tpetra EpetraExt ThyraCore ThyraEpetraAdapters ThyraEpetraExtAdapters ThyraTpetraAdapters Thyra Xpetra OptiPack Isorropia AztecOO Galeri Amesos Pamgen Zoltan2 Ifpack ML Belos ShyLUCore ShyLU Amesos2 SEACASExodus SEACASExodus_for SEACASNemesis SEACASIoss SEACASChaco SEACASAprepro_lib SEACASSupes SEACASSuplib SEACASAlgebra SEACASAprepro-orig SEACASAprepro SEACASConjoin SEACASEjoin SEACASEpu SEACASExodiff SEACASExomatlab SEACASExotxt SEACASExo_format SEACASEx1ex2v2 SEACASGjoin SEACASGen3D SEACASGenshell SEACASGrepos SEACASGrope SEACASMapvarlib SEACASMapvar SEACASMapvar-kd SEACASNemslice SEACASNemspread SEACASNumbers SEACASTxtexo SEACASEx2ex1v2 SEACAS Anasazi Ifpack2 Stratimikos Teko Intrepid Intrepid2 Phalanx NOX MueLu Rythmos Stokhos ROL Piro PanzerCore PanzerDofMgr PanzerDiscFE Panzer TrilinosCouplings PikeBlackBox PikeImplicit Pike 98

Final set of non-enabled packages:  Gtest ThreadPool Domi Pliris Claps Trios Komplex FEI TriKota STK Moertel PyTrilinos NewPackage MeshingGenie 14

Final set of non-enabled SE packages:  Gtest ThreadPool KokkosExample Domi Pliris Claps ShyLUTacho ShyLUGTS ShyLUBasker SEACASSVDI SEACASPLT SEACASBlot SEACASExo2mat SEACASFastq SEACASMat2exo Trioscommsplitter Triossupport Triosnnti Triosnssi Triosprograms Triosexamples Triostests Triosnetcdf-service Trios Komplex FEI TriKota STKClassic STKUtil STKTopology STKMesh STKIO STKUnit_test_utils STKSearch STKSearchUtil STKTransfer STKUnit_tests STKDoc_tests STKExp STK Moertel PanzerAdaptersSTK PyTrilinos NewPackage MeshingGenie 45

Final set of enabled TPLs:  Pthread MPI BLAS LAPACK METIS ParMETIS HDF5 Netcdf 8

Final set of non-enabled TPLs:  MKL yaml-cpp Peano CUDA CUSPARSE Thrust Cusp TBB HWLOC QTHREAD BinUtils ARPREC QD Boost Scotch OVIS gpcd PuLP LibTopoMap PaToH CppUnit ADOLC ADIC TVMET MF ExodusII Nemesis XDMF Zlib y12m SuperLUDist SuperLUMT SuperLU Cholmod UMFPACK MA28 AMD CSparse HYPRE PETSC BLACS SCALAPACK MUMPS PARDISO_MKL PARDISO Oski TAUCS ForUQTK Dakota HIPS MATLAB CASK SPARSKIT QT gtest BoostLib BoostAlbLib OpenNURBS Portals CrayPortals Gemini InfiniBand BGPDCMF BGQPAMI Pablo HPCToolkit Pnetcdf Clp GLPK qpOASES Matio PAPI MATLABLib Eigen X11 Lemon GLM quadmath CAMAL RTlib AmgX CGAL VTune 83

Setting up export dependencies for all enabled SE packages ...

Probing the environment ...

-- Search for C++11 compiler flag ...
-- Successful C++11 flag: '-std=c++11'
-- Trilinos_ENABLE_CXX11=ON

Getting information for all enabled TPLs ...

Processing enabled TPL: Pthread (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_Pthread=OFF)
Processing enabled TPL: MPI (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF)
Processing enabled TPL: BLAS (enabled by TeuchosNumerics, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_BLAS=OFF)
-- TPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES='-llapack -lblas'
Processing enabled TPL: LAPACK (enabled by TeuchosNumerics, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=OFF)
-- TPL_LAPACK_LIBRARIES='-llapack -lblas'
Processing enabled TPL: METIS (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_METIS=OFF)
-- TPL_METIS_LIBRARIES='-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lmetis'
-- TPL_METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include'
Processing enabled TPL: ParMETIS (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_ParMETIS=OFF)
-- TPL_ParMETIS_LIBRARIES='-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lparmetis'
-- TPL_ParMETIS_INCLUDE_DIRS='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include'
Processing enabled TPL: HDF5 (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_HDF5=OFF)
-- TPL_HDF5_LIBRARIES='-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5'
-- TPL_HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include'
Processing enabled TPL: Netcdf (enabled explicitly, disable with -DTPL_ENABLE_Netcdf=OFF)
-- TPL_Netcdf_LIBRARIES='-Wl,-rpath,/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -L/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/lib -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5'
-- TPL_Netcdf_INCLUDE_DIRS='/Users/barrysmith/Src/petsc/arch-nofortran/include'

Setting up testing support ...

-- CTEST_DROP_LOCATION='/cdash/submit.php?project=Trilinos'

Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...

Processing enabled package: Kokkos (Core, Containers, Algorithms)
Processing enabled package: Teuchos (Core, ParameterList, Comm, Numerics, Remainder, KokkosCompat, KokkosComm)
Processing enabled package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Sacado (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Epetra (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Zoltan (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Shards (Libs)
Processing enabled package: GlobiPack (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Triutils (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Tpetra (Classic, Kernels, TSQR, Core)
Processing enabled package: EpetraExt (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Thyra (Core, EpetraAdapters, EpetraExtAdapters, TpetraAdapters)
Processing enabled package: Xpetra (Libs)
Processing enabled package: OptiPack (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Isorropia (Libs)
Processing enabled package: AztecOO (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Galeri (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Amesos (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Pamgen (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Zoltan2 (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Ifpack (Libs)
Processing enabled package: ML (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Belos (Libs)
Processing enabled package: ShyLU (Core)
Processing enabled package: Amesos2 (Libs)
Processing enabled package: SEACAS (Exodus, Exodus_for, Nemesis, Ioss, Chaco, Aprepro_lib, Supes, Suplib, Algebra, Aprepro-orig, Aprepro, Conjoin, Ejoin, Epu, Exodiff, Exomatlab, Exotxt, Exo_format, Ex1ex2v2, Gjoin, Gen3D, Genshell, Grepos, Grope, Mapvarlib, Mapvar, Mapvar-kd, Nemslice, Nemspread, Numbers, Txtexo, Ex2ex1v2)
Processing enabled package: Anasazi (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Ifpack2 (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Stratimikos (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Teko (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Intrepid (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Intrepid2 (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Phalanx (Libs)
Processing enabled package: NOX (Libs)
Processing enabled package: MueLu (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Rythmos (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Stokhos (Libs)
Processing enabled package: ROL (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Piro (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Panzer (Core, DofMgr, DiscFE)
-- FEI Off
Processing enabled package: TrilinosCouplings (Libs)
Processing enabled package: Pike (BlackBox, Implicit)

Processing explicit instantiation support for enabled packages ...

Processing ETI support: Ifpack2
Processing ETI support: TpetraCore
Processing ETI support: TpetraKernels

Set up for creating a distribution ...

Finished configuring Trilinos!

CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: CMake can not determine linker language for target: mapvarlib
CMake Error: Cannot determine link language for target "mapvarlib".
CMake Error: CMake can not determine linker language for target: mapvarlib
CMake Error in packages/seacas/libraries/mapvarlib/CMakeLists.txt:
  Exporting the target "mapvarlib" is not allowed since its linker language
  cannot be determined

CMake Error in packages/seacas/libraries/mapvarlib/CMakeLists.txt:
  Exporting the target "mapvarlib" is not allowed since its linker language
  cannot be determined

CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Warning (dev):
  Policy CMP0042 is not set: MACOSX_RPATH is enabled by default.  Run "cmake
  --help-policy CMP0042" for policy details.  Use the cmake_policy command to
  set the policy and suppress this warning.

  MACOSX_RPATH is not specified for the following targets:


This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


@jwillenbring @bartlettroscoe @curfman

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

@BarrySmith, it looks like perhaps STDERR and STDOUT are not geting output in order correctly in the above cmake output. How did you produce this ouptut file? What I usually do on bash is:

$ cmake [options] &> configure.out

and that gets things in the right order in configure.out.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago


Yea, it is my understanding that Macs don't come with a Fortran compler installed by default (and Clang are the default C and C++ compilers). I might recommend for your demo that you use NoMachine (NX) and access a Linux machine from your Mac laptop for your live demo. A Linux env will be much faster and easier to set up. (If you have not used NX before, then you will be in for a real treat once you get it set up.)

Most of Trilinos (but not all packages) should build just fine without Fortran. But I don't think you can build SEACAS without Fortran, and perhaps a few other packages.

To build Trilinos without Fortran, you need to configure with -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF (and for xSDKTrilinos, it will be -DxSDKTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF). However, I don't think that there are any "Fortran-free" automated builds of Trilinos are currently running from looking at:

@jwillenbring and @bmpersc, do you know if there are any Fortran-free automated builds of Trilinos running? What happens when you disable Fortran build enable SEACAS?

Therefore, I don't know what Trilinos packages will work with Fortran disabled. But I know that some people at Sandia have been using a Fortran free build of Trilinos in order to be able to use Ninja (instead of Makefiles).

Also, I think there is still a dynamic library issue on Mac (see #91) that I don't think that anyone has addressed yet. I inquired about this on March 16 (see here) but never got a reply. I think fixing that might be a couple line change in TriBITS. But since I don't have access to a Mac, I can't reproduce or test these builds. It would be great if someone with a Mac on the Trilinos could help out with these things.

From: McInnes, Lois Curfman [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 7:36 AM To: Willenbring, James M; Heroux, Michael A; Bartlett, Roscoe A Cc: Smith, Barry F. Subject: [EXTERNAL] FW: [trilinos/Trilinos] trilinos without fortran compiler? (#375)

Hi Jim, Ross, Mike:

Just a note to say that this issue came up when I was using xSDKinstall on my laptop (for the first time); Barry is assisting. I do not currently have a fortran compiler installed. Apparently this is the first time that installxSDK was tested without a fortran compiler being specified. This was a problem also for SuperLU (reported to Sherry).

Because the program managers have emphasized repeatedly that they want to be able to see xSDK code/demos ‘live’ in addition to the movie/demo clips that we are making, I am trying to get my laptop set up to have the xSDK ready to show as needed at the review on June 2.

So, it would be good to know how you recommend that I proceed. If the answer is: get a fortran compiler … then I will do that and move on to the next step ...

Thanks, Lois

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

But note that you are not going to be able to build PFLOTRAN and Alquimia without Fortran. Therefore, I would say you need Fortran if you are going to build the xSDK.

In the document "xSDK Standard GNU Autoconf and CMake Options", it says "The default is to have C and C++ enabled and Fortran disabled. Packages that do not use Fortran (or C++) are free to ignore that flag." It appears that we did not actually implement that. While Trilinos can build most of its packages without Fortran, is that good enough for an xSDK install?

How do we resolve this?

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

There are portions of SEACAS that can be built without a Fortran compiler. I've tried building just SEACAS with Fortran disabled and I am getting similar errors as shown above. The most telling seems to be the

-- Configuring done
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.

which happens many times. Then, when I try to build, I get the following error:

[ 62%] Linking C static library libexodus.a
Error running link command: No such file or directory

Note that libexodus.a is a C library, so should build correctly with no FORTRAN compiler. If I do make VERBOSE=1, then I see that the archiver seems to be missing:

[ 62%] Linking C static library libexodus.a
cd /Users/gdsjaar/src/seacas/build/packages/seacas/libraries/exodus && /opt/local/bin/cmake -P CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/cmake_clean_target.cmake
cd /Users/gdsjaar/src/seacas/build/packages/seacas/libraries/exodus && /opt/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
"" qc libexodus.a  CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_add_attr.c.o CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_close.c.o CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_conv.c.o CMakeFil...

The double quotes right before the qc libexodus.a are /opt/local/bin/ar on a build with Fortran enabled:

[ 34%] Linking C static library libexodus.a
cd /Users/gdsjaar/src/seacas-parallel/build/packages/seacas/libraries/exodus && /opt/local/bin/cmake -P CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/cmake_clean_target.cmake
cd /Users/gdsjaar/src/seacas-parallel/build/packages/seacas/libraries/exodus && /opt/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/opt/local/bin/ar qc libexodus.a  CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_add_attr.c.o CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_close.c.o CMakeFiles/exodus_static.dir/src/ex_conv.c.o ...

This seems to work correctly for shared libraries but is failing for the archive step of the static libraries. Not sure where the problem lies...; maybe this will help track things down...

jwillenbring commented 8 years ago

The no fortran build we had was on a Mac, and that machine went down. I don't think there is anything currently. We should have one though, you are right.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

The no fortran build we had was on a Mac, and that machine went down. I don't think there is anything currently. We should have one though, you are right.

This is one of the big problems we have with Trilinos testing. We have important automated tests that are set up on only one machine and then we that machine is taken out, we loose those tests and there is no effort to transition those tests to another machine. For example, there used to be really good automated performance tests for Teuchos that ran every night on brain but when that machine was retired, those tests never got moved over to another machine.

We need to have a rule in Trilinos which is that before a testing machine is retired, we list out important unique builds on that machine that need to be migrated to a new machine and then create Issue tickets for that in the SEMS backlog with high priority to complete. Otherwise, it is always one step forward, two steps back with automated Trilinos testing.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

There are portions of SEACAS that can be built without a Fortran compiler. I've tried building just SEACAS with Fortran disabled and I am getting similar errors as shown above.

@gsjaardema, if there are SEACAS subpackages that require Fortran to build correctly, you can put in disables when Fortran is not enabled. You can see how this is being done for other packages like ForTrilinos in the file Trilinos/cmake/CallbackSetupExtraOptions.cmake. For example:

      "\n*** Warning: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ForTrilinos=OFF"
      " because ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF!"

This should likely be changed to:

    IF (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ForTrilinos)
      MESSAGE("-- "
        "WARNING: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ForTrilinos=OFF"
        " even though it was set to ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ForTrilinos}"
        " because ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF!"
       MESSAGE("-- "
        "NOTE: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ForTrilinos=OFF"
        " because ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF!"

We can break this logic out as a macro and then reuse it for SEACAS subpackages that require Fortran.

In my opinion, disables should trump enables (but print warnings). But as you can see for that file, this was not the decision for packages requiring C++11.

Does that sound reasonable? If so, just let me know what SEACAS subpackages require Fortran and then I can do this part. But note this commit needs to be done on the 12.6 release branch then merged to the 'master' branch. I can also take care of that.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

I can do that. However, I'm not sure how the release-branch-to-master workflow works/applies to seacas. The current workflow is that I make the changes in Sierra/SEACAS-standalone and then Brent syncs them over to Trilinos. I would think that making changes to 12.6 and then merging to master will break the current process (which is known to be broken/non-optimal).

Won't this process also be broken if SEACAS goes to the "kokkos" model in which I snapshot SEACAS changes into Trilinos? Maybe the "snapshotted" repositories need to mirror the branches that are in the Trilinos repository?

Brent should probably comment... @bmpersc

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

I can do that. However, I'm not sure how the release-branch-to-master workflow works/applies to seacas. The current workflow is that I make the changes in Sierra/SEACAS-standalone and then Brent syncs them over to Trilinos. I would think that making changes to 12.6 and then merging to master will break the current process (which is known to be broken/non-optimal).

Won't this process also be broken if SEACAS goes to the "kokkos" model in which I snapshot SEACAS changes into Trilinos? Maybe the "snapshotted" repositories need to mirror the branches that are in the Trilinos repository?

If you revert the commit in the snapshot repo and then do the sync, it will be fine. See how this is done for TriBITS at:

There is more that I need to explain about this process but it is very effective and will never create any merge conflicts. I have a backlog story to explain this workflow along with other multi-repo workflows as part of the IDEAS Productivity project. It appears that that story is getting more and more urgent.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

SEACAS Libraries requiring fortran:

SEACAS Applications requiring fortran:

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

Note that all of the applications requiring fortran also require the exodus_for, supes, and suplib libraries, so perhaps just disabling the libraries will automatically propagate the disables to the applications...

The suplib library contains some C files which are used by some C/C++ applications, so I should probably split that library into a suplib_for and suplib_c similar to what was done earlier with suplib_cpp.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Okay, looks like those directly map to SEACAS subpackages listed in Trilinos/packages/seacas/cmake/Dependencies.cmake. Wow, that is 21 subpackages in SEACAS that require Fortran. By my count of the subpackages listed in that file, that only leaves 18 out of 39 total SEACAS subpackages. How useful are those remaining 18 subpackages?

Okay, so that this point we should likely create a new Issue for disabling subpackages in SEACAS when Fortran is not enabled and then block this Issue with that issue.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

The remaining are very useful.

mhoemmen commented 8 years ago

@bartlettroscoe @BarrySmith As a temporary work-around, why not just disable SEACAS if Fortran is not enabled? Do any xSDK applications need it?

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Note that all of the applications requiring fortran also require the exodus_for, supes, and suplib libraries, so perhaps just disabling the libraries will automatically propagate the disables to the applications.

Right, it would be simpler to just disable the library subpackages and then verify that they correctly take out the downstream app subpackages.

The suplib library contains some C files which are used by some C/C++ applications, so I should probably split that library into a suplib_for and suplib_c similar to what was done earlier with suplib_cpp.

Remember that we need to make this change on the Trilinos 12.6 release branch so that it will positively impact the IDEAS xSDK release. But that is no problem with git format-patch and git am workflow if you apply it carefully. I can give @bmpersc the exact git commands to run before his next sync of SEACAS to avoid any merge conflicts.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

Probably the only one that would be needed is exodus and it looks like that is being explicitly disabled. If any are needed, it would be easiest to just explicitly enable those.

rppawlo commented 8 years ago

It is very useful. Panzer and Drekar require multiple SEACAS libraries and applications and we can build and run all Drekar tests with fortran disabled.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

As a temporary work-around, why not just disable SEACAS if Fortran is not enabled? Do any xSDK applications need it?

That is a great question. Does xSDK or the IDEAS app teams (i.e. Amanzi) need SEACAS out of Trilinos? Who would know the answer to that.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be easier to fix the fortran issue? I think the disable SEACAS comment was just for the demo; not for xSDK in general.

jwillenbring commented 8 years ago

Would it be bad to just commit to the release branch, then have the change applied to the SEACAS repo, then eventually bring it back to Master through the usual process? If someone does merge back, that commit should just be skipped, like a release-only commit. I know that isn't a merge back to Master, but it seems reasonable to me.

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Would it be bad to just commit to the release branch, then have the change applied to the SEACAS repo, then eventually bring it back to Master through the usual process? If someone does merge back, that commit should just be skipped, like a release-only commit. I know that isn't a merge back to Master, but it seems reasonable to me.

The changes to Trilinos/packages/seacas/cmake/Dependencies.cmake which would disable the Fortran subpackages for SEACAS would not impact the Trilinos/packages/seacas/ snapshot at all. Therefore, as long as we don't bother breaking out C files from the SEACAS suplib subpackage in the release branch, then the merge from the release branch to 'master' will not impact the SEACAS updating that Brent does at all. Right?

That way, we don't break the release branch merge workflow for Trilinos (or require any extra work in the merge back to 'master').

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be easier to fix the fortran issue?

@gdsjaar, how would you "fix" the Fortran issue in SEACAS? For Trilinos, it was a lot of work to make a Fortran-free build. We had to run f2c on several Fortran subroutines and build those when Fortran was disable.

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

@gdsjaar, how would you "fix" the Fortran issue in SEACAS?

Instead of disabling ALL of SEACAS in xSDK, adding the subpackage disables which we had been discussing prior to the comment about disabling all of SEACAS.

agsalin commented 8 years ago

Echoing what Roger said: the non-fortran SEACAS packages such as exodus and loss are the ones we heavily use in Albany.

jwillenbring commented 8 years ago

Amanzi uses SEACAS. I am not sure which parts of it. So the xSDK does need SEACAS.

rppawlo commented 8 years ago

We use these packages with fortran disabled: Panzer requires: SEACASIoss SEACASExodus Drekar requires: SEACASNemesis SEACASNemslice SEACASNemspread SEACASEpu SEACASExodiff

mhoemmen commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be easier to fix the fortran issue? I think the disable SEACAS comment was just for the demo; not for xSDK in general.

That's right -- I didn't mean to suggest disabling SEACAS altogether. I just wanted to help Lois get the demo done :-)

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Instead of disabling ALL of SEACAS in xSDK, adding the subpackage disables which we had been discussing prior to the comment about disabling all of SEACAS.

Yes, that would be the idea. I could put the infrastructure in place for this on the Trilinos 12.6 release branch and then if I ran into problems building and testing what was left, I could pass this back of you @gsjaardema. Does that sound like a plan?

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

Yes. That works.

On Friday, May 20, 2016, Roscoe A. Bartlett wrote:

Instead of disabling ALL of SEACAS in xSDK, adding the subpackage disables which we had been discussing prior to the comment about disabling all of SEACAS.

Yes, that would be the idea. I could put the infrastructure in place for this on the Trilinos 12.6 release branch and then if I ran into problems building and testing what was left, I could pass this back of you @gsjaardema Does that sound like a plan?

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bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Okay, I will create a new Trilinos GitHub issue to disable SEACAS Fortran subpackages when Fortran is disabled and then work it.

BarrySmith commented 8 years ago

@bartlettroscoe Shouldn't all the packages support -DXSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF It looks like SuperLU_DIst does (or would with a bug fix).

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

Shouldn't all the packages support -DXSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF It looks like SuperLU_DIst does (or would with a bug fix).

It seems that XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran is already supported in the module XSDKDefaults.cmake which is already used by Trilinos or SuperLU (and I would assume SuperLUDist). However, it appears that TriBITS is just setting it as:

$ cd Trilinos/cmake/tribits/
$ find . -name "*" -exec grep -nH XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran {} \;
./core/package_arch/TribitsGlobalMacros.cmake:1594:    SET(XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran  ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran})

so if you set XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF it will just ge overwritten.

Now we could make TriBITS look for the value of XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran set by the user as well. But now we have a problem. If XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran and ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran (PROJECT_NAME=Trilinos) are both set, but disagree, then what should happen? (This is a problem with duplicated variables in CMake. These are just global variables that can be set in a variety of ways in a variety of places and it is hard to address inconsistencies like this. So I might need some advice on the best way to handle this.)

Note that the general policy in TriBITS is that when an enable and a disable are inconsistent, then disables trump enables. If we follow this policy in this case, then if XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF or ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF are set, then Fortran will be disabled (and if the other is ON, then a NOTE will be printed stating what happened.) The downside is that if someone sets XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=ON, but somewhere else Trilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF is set, then Fortran will be off. That might make some people crazy. But if they just grep the CMake STDOUT they will see that XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran got set to false and why.

Does that seem like a reasonable approach?

bartlettroscoe commented 8 years ago

If we follow this policy in this case, then if XSDK_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF or ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF are set, then Fortran will be disabled (and if the other is ON, then a NOTE will be printed stating what happened.)

I created the TriBITS Issue TriBITSPub/TriBITS#121 to make this the behavior of TriBITS projects (and therefore Trilinos).

gsjaardema commented 8 years ago

@bartlettroscoe Attached is a patch to split the suplib routine into fortran and c versions. This will be needed for the disabling of SEACAS Fortran-specific packages. 0001-SEACAS-separate-suplib-c-routines-into-suplib_c-libr.patch.txt

gsjaardema commented 7 years ago

SEACAS now builds with no warnings with SEACASProj_ENABLE_Fortran:BOOL=OFF

mhoemmen commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this since it's been two years since an update. Please feel free to reopen or open a new issue if it's still not working. Thanks!