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Trillek Virtual Computer specs
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TR3200: Register names #31

Closed milesrout closed 9 years ago

milesrout commented 9 years ago

How about naming them %A, %B, %C, %D, %E, %F, %G, %H, %I, %J instead of their current numbers? Letters are easier to think about than numbered registers, for me at least.

Alternatively, define those letters as alternates, much like and is an alternate for && in C++?

Alternatively, leave it up to an assembler to define them as macros if it so desires, such as and and && in C (with <iso646.h>).

milesrout commented 9 years ago

%r11 (%y), %r12 (%bp), %r13 (%sp), %r14 (%ia) and %r15 (%flags) all have alternate names.

Zardoz89 commented 9 years ago

It could be added as an alias on the assembler. I personally not like to use letters because makes to think that have special functions like on x86 assembly.

milesrout commented 9 years ago

Why would clearly sequential letters make it look like they have special functions?

Zardoz89 commented 9 years ago

Perhaps is my past experience with x86 assembly. xD

milesrout commented 9 years ago

This should be implemented or closed.