trilliumeng / orion-sdk

Public SDK and ICD for Trillium Engineering's Orion Gimbals.
MIT License
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Video Player Issues #20

Closed jugpanther closed 4 months ago

jugpanther commented 1 year ago

First, it would be helpful to me and others to include an example launch command in the Readme. I have been running the videoplayer file with the configured IPs and port number.

The system starts to capture frames, and the S and Q commands don't seem to work when running. Nothing happens and the Q command will not quit the application.

Pointing to a folder location to save the captures causes a segment fault. Not sure why this is happening.

gvnwltrs commented 7 months ago

Looks like there was another while loop inside the forever while loop that was blocking the keyboard commands for the VideoPlayer source code. Pull request submitted.

trilliumbuild commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. I think both of these fixes are incorporated in the 24.1 release.